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                                Y/n's Pov

I locked myself in the bathroom and stepped into the shower, overwhelmed by the prior events. I let the cold water wash away my tears. I didn't want Five to see me miserable like this I felt like I was wearing out my welcome in his house. But the truth was, I didn't know what to do with myself, with my life in general. I felt like I was about to break; at the same time, I was trying so fucking hard no to. I closed my eyes, letting my eyes, letting the tears drip down my face, mingling with the water stream. Five's words echoed in my head.

Ben only dated you because of an arrangement between him and your father.

I finally broke. I let myself cry, not holding back my tears while I washed my body inch by inch, trying to erase any memory of Ben touching me. I was so hurt that Ben, despite knowing that are father had never loved me, never cared about me, and only kept using me for his games, agreed to plot behind with him, my father, my worst enemy. How could I be so stupid? So blind? How did I not see it was part of their game? I should've known better.

I wasn't sure how long I spent in the shower. A few minutes? Half an hour? More? I took a few deep breaths? And stepped out, resting against the granite countertop and looking at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was wet, drops of water dripping down my bare arms untill sinking into a white towel I wrapped around my body.

"Y/n?" I heard soft knocks followed by Fove's husky voice thumbing through the door. "Are you okay? I'm worried. It's been an hour since you've locked yourself in there."

An hour?

"Yeah." I cleared my throat, wiping my tears away before adding, "I'm okay. I'm sorry. I'll get dressed and be gone in no time."

"Are you kidding me?" I wasn't sure if he sounded more sarcastic or troubled, but before I could reply, he unlocked the door and stepped inside, giving me an affected look.

I turned to face him, jaw dropped. "How did you—"

"It doesn't matter." He took a few steps closer to me and cupped my cheeks with his hands, looking down into my eyes. "You're not going anywhere."

"Five, I can't wear out my welc—" I protested, but he cut me off.

"You're not. Stop overthinking, Y/n."

"Easier said than done," I sighed, my tone somewhat sarcastic, somewhat drained. "It's not you occupying a stranger's house."

"A stranger?" Five asked. "That's what I am to you?"

"Five, I... " I didn't know what to say. Frankly speaking, despite knowing this man for just a mere few days, I'd felt a deeper bond with him than with any other person I'd ever met before, even Jayme.

His eyes darted between mine expectancy. "Tell me, Y/n. Am I just a stranger to you?"

"What am I to you, Five?"

"Definitely not a stranger," he replied without hesitation. "Not after last night," he whispered, running his thumb over my lower lip where set his hypnotizing eyes.

Five traced his fingertips down my wet bare arm, leaving goosebumps on my skin. My lips parted involuntarily as I fixed my gaze on his tempting lips. In an instant, I was burning—burning with lust. I could never explain the effect Five had on me, but whenever he was close, I wasn't capable of thinking straight. Unable to fight the temptation. One spark was enough to ignite the flame of pure lust, electrifying desire setting my body on fire in just a fraction of a second. There was a strong physical attraction we both failed to resist.

"Take me, Five," I whispered, brushing my lips against his ad I slid my hand at the back of his neck, pulling him closer.

"Y/n... " he muttered, trying to combat the dark cravings.

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