Chapter Eight

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"I think we should give them their baths now." Marissa suggested, as I nodded my head. 

"Yeah, its half seven." I got up and turned the corner, walking around the front where they were playing. "Come on guys." I said, Drew immediately beginning to pick up Alyssa's toys. He walked in as I grabbed Alyssa and the mat she was sitting on. She tugged a handful of my shirt and began chewing at it as we walked into the house. "You can't eat that baby." I told her soothingly, as I tried to get my top out of her hands and mouth but she wasn't giving up. 

"I don't want to bath tonight!" Drew protested. 

"Drew." Mari whined. "You didn't have one last night so you're having one tonight." He sighed and nodded, heading up the stairs.

"You take Drew and I'll get Alyssa?" I asked, Marissa nodding in response before heading upstairs with me following behind. I began running a bath for Alyssa, making sure it wasn't too hot for her before slowly placing her in it. She began to play with the bubbles straight away, splasing around in the tub, making me chuckle slightly. 

"All done." I said as I pulled her out and wrapped her up in a warm towel. She grinned a small toothless grin at the site of her bottle which was waiting on the side of the desk. I dried her, changed her and dressed her in her favourite onesie before giving her the bottle. I made sure that it wasn't too hot before feeding it to her. Once I was done, I placed her in her cot and wrapped her up in her blankets, kissing her head lightly before leaving the room.

"Mommy I'm tired." Drew groaned from downstairs.

"You want to go to bed?" I heard Mari ask. It went quiet for a minute, but before long Drew was heading up the stairs. 

"Night Drew." I said, rubbing his hair as he headed to his bedroom which was across the hall from ours.

"Night daddy." He grumbled as he shut the door. When I reached the living room, I found Marissa lying flat out on the sofa. 

"I think the kids aren't the only ones who's tired." I commented, making her laugh slightly.

"You know flying tires me out." She reminded. 

"C'mon then." I stated, picking her up bridal style as her hands found their way around my neck. "I love you." I told her. 

"I love you too Jase." She replied, giving me a quick peck as I carried her up the stairs and into our room. Both of us got changed before slipping into bed, and we both soon fell into a deep slumber. 


I tossed and turned throughout the night, constantly checking the clock to see if time was going any faster. Sighing, I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. I sat up, leaving the room but making sure to shut the door quietly so I didn't disturb Marissa or Alyssa. I flicked on the landing lights, noticing that Drew's bedroom door was open. Furrowing my brows together, I walked across to his room. Drew hates having his door open. I flicked on his lights, seeing that the bedsheets had been turned back and he wasn't in the room. Maybe he was at the bathroom or he might be getting a drink downstairs. I checked the bathroom we have on the landing, but he wasn't there. He must be downstairs. I quietly jogged down, trying to make as little noise as I could. There were no lights on downstairs, which worried me slightly as to why he would be sitting in the dark downstairs. I felt my hand up the wall to switch on the light and freezing immediately at the sight in front of my eyes. It was Danny, holding Drew, with a gun to his head. Drew had tears streaming down his face and was screaming, but it was just coming out as quiet muffles due to Danny having his hand gripped tightly over his mouth.

"Bet you thought you got rid of me this time didn't you McCann?" He smirked devilishly. 

"Danny, don't hurt him. Please." 

"Is McCann begging?" He laughed humourlessly. 

"He has nothing to do with this, what happened is between me and you." 

"But you tried to kill me?" Danny questioned, and I noticed Drew's eyes go wide. "Yeah, didn't you know that Drew? Your daddy is a murderer." I shook my head, trying to convince Drew that it wasn't true but the tears were streaming harder and harder down his face. "Do you know what a gang is?" Drew shook his head. If I had a gun I would shoot Danny right now. "It's a group of people who do bad things. Your daddy was the leader of one, and he tried to kill me- but he failed."

"Don't believe him Drew." I commanded, my tone getting angrier. 

"I'm telling you the truth Drew. Your daddy is a cold hearted, evil man." Drew gulped. 

"Jason?" I heard Marissa ask, and I turned to find her walking downstairs. I shook my head, 

"stay there." I stated clearly, not wanting her to see what was happening. 

"Ah Marissa, sweetheart. Please come down." Danny asked.

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled at him, but regretted it instantly when I saw him press the gun a little harder to Drew's head. Drew screamed, but it came out muffled. Marissa screamed when she turned the corner to find Danny holding Drew.

"What are you doing?!" She yelled. "Let him go he has nothing to do with this!" 

"I'll make a deal with you.." Danny trailed, walking closer to me and Marissa. "I have the kid or I have you, how about that sweetheart." 

"Fine." Marissa said with out thinking. Danny took the gun away from Drew's head and dropped him onto the floor. As Drew ran over to us, I charged over to him, grabbing the wrist of the hand which was holding the gun. It was pointing to the floor and he fired it, trying to hit me, but he failed. I took a swing for his jaw, but he blocked it, so I aimed for his stomach and got him, causing him to bend over. In retaliation, he kicked me in the stomach, causing me to go flying back, and just when I was about to walk forward, he pointed the gun straight at me. 

"You tried McCann." He smirked, before pulling the trigger. I felt an immediate pain in my lower right stomach before I dropped to the floor. 

"Jason!" Marissa screamed, trying to rush over, but she was stopped by Danny. 

"You two are coming with me." He smiled evily, calling out for his men to come in who were currently sitting outside. "Leave him there, get them two and the other kid." No, not Alyssa. 

"Leave them." I commanded, trying to stand up but failing miserably.

"Shut up McCann." Danny spat, walking out with the three people that meant the most to me. 

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