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I couldn't help but smile at Drew as he ran down to the beach. With our new house, we also got a private section of the beach, meaning Drew and Alyssa could play.

"Drew slow down." I laughed, walking down the path, seeing that he was already at the beach.

"Hurry up you old man!" He chuckled, splashing around in the waves. Taking my shoes off, I sat down on the sand and watched him play around a bit.

I'd had been a month since we moved to Miami. It's quite different from LA, but it's definitely a nice change. Danny's gang split and went their separate ways, and I don't even worry about any of them coming back for me anymore. Besides, they would never find us in a location like this. We're in an a fairly quiet place, the nearest neighbour is about two blocks away. Drew is starting school soon, and he can't wait.

"Daddy come in the water!" Drew yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts, "there is fishies!" He grinned, staring down into the knee-depth water he was standing in.

"Is there a lot?"

"Hundreds!" I chuckled lightly and walked over, standing at the edge of the waves where Drew watched the fish in awe. "I want to own an aquarium when I'm older," he informed me, "with fish and whales and dolphins." Your life is already sounding better than your dads.


"Yeah, you can achieve anything you put your mind to."

"That's right Drew."

"Get in the water daddy," he pouted, staring up at me with his big brown orbs.

"I'm okay here Drew, you go play," I replied, motioning with my hand. He kicked some water up onto me, soaking my clothes, causing me to gasp as the cold water came in contact with my skin- it was January after all. "Oh you did not just do that!" I yelled, running into the water after him, he tried to run, but he was way too slow for me. I swooped him up into my arms before dunking him back into the water. I kept doing it for a while before stopping and pulling him out, where he began shivering almost immediately.

"It's cold." He mumbled, cuddling his head into my chest.

"Come on then, I'm sure dinner will be ready." I told him, carrying him back to the house where I saw Ryan's car in the driveway- he lives in Miami too and comes over often.

"Uncle Ryan!" Drew yelled, jumping down from my arms and running into the house. I followed shortly behind, finding everyone sitting at the table, Marissa finishing serving up the food.

"Hi sweetheart." I whispered, kissing her cheek.

"You're soaked!" She exclaimed, grabbing the sleeve of my black hoodie. She looked behind me on the floor and saw wet footprints leading to the dining room. "Drew get here right now!" She shouted through, Drew soon entering the room, dripping wet. "Get him changed," Marissa ordered me, quickly turning around and continuing to make dinner. I grabbed Drew and carried him upstairs, changing him into some warm clothes before I changed myself.

When I came back downstairs, I saw everyone sitting round the table, Drew sitting beside Alyssa and Jake beside him.

"Hey bro." Ryan greeted as I pulled out my seat. "How are you?"

"I'm good, how was New York?" Ryan and Jake went to New York to see their family.

"It was amazing, a nice break. We should go there sometime."

"Definitely." I replied, taking my first bite of food. "This is amazing babe." I commented, as I indulged further into the pasta she had made.

"Thank you Jase." She smiled.

Finally, my whole family is safe.

Jason, Jason, Jason- don't think too soon!

I will be posting the third book in the series when this story gets 150 comments and 800 votes, so let me know what you think and get voting for the final book!(:

The Return -Jason McCann-Where stories live. Discover now