Chapter Nine

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I scrambled across the floor, grabbing the house phone on the side of the kitchen bench. I quickly dialled Jaden.


"Jaden, I need you and the guys over here as soon as possible." I groaned, noticing the blood spread across the floor. 

"Why? What's happened?"

"Danny, he's took Mari, Drew and Alyssa. Please hurry." I begged, shutting the phone and trying to gain the strength to pull myself up. Eventually, after a few minutes, I managed to lean up against the island- but I was losing a lot of blood. I reached to get the first aid kit out of the drawer, only to have a pain shoot up the right side of my body. Rumaging around the drawer for a few minutes, I finally found it, and I immediately opened it looking for something to help with the pain and something to stop the bleeding. I found some bandage, which I grabbed a handful and wrapped tightly around the wound, and the white cloth turned blood red in seconds. Not long after, Jaden's car pulled up outside as him and Chaz rushed in side.

"What happened?!" He gasped, seeing me sitting on the floor with a bandage poorly wrapped around me.

"He shot me."

"And you never thought to mention that over the phone Jason?"

"No, because Marissa and my kids are much more important."

"We need to get you to a hospital," Chaz stated, "you're losing a lot of blood Jason."

"Fine, but Jaden I want you to call Ryan and Christian, tell them to get over here, and I want you to call Matthew, and the other guys, get them to start getting possible locations for Danny. Tell them to start getting the gang back together." I commanded, Jaden nodding and immediately taking out his phone. There was no way just us five could get Danny, so we need to get the gang back together, because this time, I'm going to make sure he's dead and gone.


"Mommy where are we going?" Drew whispered to me as we sat in the back of the van. 

"I don't know honey, but we'll be okay," I tried to comfort him, wrapping my arm around him and kissing his head, but internally, I was petrified. Danny has planned this for five years, so god knows what he's going to do. Alyssa was sleeping quietly in my arms, unaware of the situation. 

"Was it true what he said about Daddy?" Drew asked, tears brimming his mocha brown orbs.

"We can talk about that later." I replied, looking up to Danny who was staring at the three of us.

"You know, I can see why McCann liked you Marissa." He complimented, "you're gorgeous." I chose to ignore his comment, and just glared at him in return. "Talk to me."

"You've took me, kidnapped my kids and shot my husband. What on earth makes you want to think that I would want to talk to you?" 

"I've done you a favour getting you away from him." He chuckled, but I didn't find anything funny about the situation. 

"No, you really have not." I stated. 

"Whatever. McCann is mine now."

"What makes you think that?" I challenged. 

"He's obviously going to come after you, and after five years of planning, we're going to be ready for him this time."

"Just like you were last time." I muttered sarcastically, causing a scowl to form on Danny's face. 

"Don't think i'll go easy on you just because they're here." He growled, referring to Drew and Alyssa.

"Just don't hurt them."

"If that's what it takes to get McCann." He shrugged, turning around in his seat. Drew looked up at me, a few tears slipping down his face. Shushing him, I quickly wiped them away, before wrapping my spare arm around his shoulders as he cuddled into me more. 

"I want to go home mommy." He cried. 

"I know baby, so do I."


"Okay Mr Andrews, were going to get you into surgery to get the bullet removed. Although you've lost a lot of blood, the bleeding has slowed down a lot now, so we can take you into the theatre." The doctor informed, referring to me by my fake name. 

"Okay, thank you doctor." I replied, as I was wheeled out of the room. 

"How long will it take?" I heard Jaden ask.

"Not too long, perhaps an hour or so." The doctor replied, before turning around and taking me into theatre. 


My eyes fluttered open, finding Ryan, Chaz, Christian and Jaden around my bed.

"Hey guys." I groaned, "was the operation okay?" I asked.

"They successfully removed the bullet, but you're going to need a blood transplant." Jaden informed, making me groan.

"I just want to get out of here and start looking for Danny." I grumbled. 

"Jason, your health is important, and Matthew is already on it. They're all at the old warehouse, trying to find possible locations and getting the gang back together." 

"My plan for this time is to attack with more force, so we'll need more members." 

"We can talk about that at a later date." It went silent for a few minutes, before I spoke up again.

"I thought this was all over, I still don't know how Danny is still alive." I groaned frustrated. 

"We'll find that out, get some rest." Jaden demanded, as the others nodded in agreement. 

How the fuck is this possible? 

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