Chapter Eleven

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I pulled up a few metres down the road from the first warehouse in Vegas, but I already knew from the outside that there wasn't a person in there, and it looked like there hadn't been for a while. With a sigh, I stepped out of the car, wincing slightly as I felt the pain in my abdomen.

"You okay?" Jaden asked with concern.

"I'm fine." I replied, taking slow steps up to the door. I barged it with my shoulder, expecting it to remain shut but it flew open, making me fall straight through and almost tear my stitches out. I squeezed my eyes together, waiting a few brief seconds before continuing inside the building.

"Boss maybe you should stay in the car." Matt suggested.

"Not a chance." I retorted, walking through to a large, deserted room. You could feel the cold air bounce of the walls and through the emptiness. I walked through, the guys following behind me as I did.

"Nobody here." Ryan stated.

"Thanks Sherlock, I wouldn't have realised." Chaz snapped, smacking the back of Ryan's head, and I couldn't help but chuckle lightly. Immediately, my laughing stopped when I noticed a black sqaure shaped object attached to the wall, with a red flashing light.

"GET OUT!" I yelled, running out myself behind my gang. They sprinted for the door, heading towards the car where I followed them as fast as I could, trying to ignore the screaming pain in my stomach. Suddenly, I heard a loud bang and my body was flung to the floor, making me groan loudly. When I looked up, I noticed that the whole of the building was engulfed in flames. It was a bomb.

"I'm so glad you saw that." Jaden muttered, out of breath as he stood up, walking over to help me. I looked down onto my shirt, noticing it was a darker shade where I got shot. Pulling up the bottom, I noticed that the gauze was drenched in blood, and it was now seeping through my clothes. "We need to get that checked out before we continue." Jaden stated, pointing at my injury.

"I just need the gauze changing, I can do that on the way to the next warhouse." I replied, heading towards the van leaving them all standing there shocked. Before long, they had piled into the van.

"Jason, you need to rest!" Ryan yelled.

"Shut up!" I spat back.

"This is dangerous, you're already injured!"

"I don't care, I need to find Marissa, Alyssa and Drew!" I growled.

"Just leave it Ryan." Jaden mumbled, shooting me a quick glare.

"What's your problem?"

"You're the problem Jason. You're only going to injure yourself more!" I rolled my eyes, grabbing the first aid bag as I began cleaning my wound.

"Drive to the next warehouse." I commanded.

"Jason." Ryan spat.

"As far as I'm concerned I'm still the leader of this gang, therefore you will do what I say without arguements. Understood?!" I bellowed, earning a sigh in deafeat from Ryan.


I cuddled Drew closer to me as he slept, his head leaning on my stomach. It's not fair on him, or Alyssa. They shouldn't be here, they have nothing to do with the gang and didn't even know about it. Alyssa is clueless to the situation, but Drew must be scared out of his mind. It's bad enough being here, but now finding out about Jason and the gang. All day he's been asking me if it's true, and I can't lie to him, but at the same time I can't explain it to him because he wouldn't understand.

The bedroom door slammed against the wall, snapping me out of my thoughts and waking Drew up.

"Marissa, come with me." Danny commanded, "the children will be fine." He said in a concerning and caring mannor, but I could see straight through it.

"Mommy." Drew cried, grabbing my hand as I stood up.

"It's okay, I'll be back in a few minutes." I stood up, letting go of Drew's hand and walking out with Danny as he shut the door behind me. I followed him down the hallway and into some sort of meeting room.

"Take a seat." He gestured, as I sat at the top end of the table, as he sat in the seat next to mine. "Jason's trying to find you." He informed me.

"And you sound surprised?" I questioned; of course he would be trying to find us. He wouldn't leave his kids and wife.

"I'm not, but I'm going to tease him a little." I furrowed my eyebrows together, not understanding what Danny meant. Danny only chuckled. "Go to the basement." He said, making me scoff and laugh, but I was cut off when I heard the cocking of a gun. I looked down, finding Danny with a gun pressed into my ribs, causing a lump to form into my throat. "Go to the basement." He repeated, which I complied to, heading towards the basement whilst he followed, pointing his gun to the back of my head. He pushed me through the door, where I noticed there was a single chair in the middle of the room. "Tie her up." He demanded, as two of his men rushed in and pulled me onto the chair, tying my wrists together behind my back with a rope, before proceeding to tie my ankles to the legs of the chair. I tried to fight against them, but it was useless, they were way too strong against me. The two men stood against the door, leaving Danny standing in front of me. "You know what Marissa, you're a really pretty girl." He began, "to this day I still wonder how McCann of all people got a girl as good as you."

"Maybe because he knows how to treat a girl, unlike some people." I spat back, eyeing him up and down. He charged forward, punching me in the jaw, causing my head to swing to the side. I was not expecting that.

"You're too good for him," he continued to compliment, "you should be with someone better."

"Well I am with Jason so you're going to have to-" before I could continue, he slapped me across the face.

"Shut up when I'm talking to you." He growled, making me shut up immediately. I wasn't scared, although I knew I should be. I know that Jason will be here soon, regardless of his injury, and even if he can't come, he'll send someone for us. "Someone like me." He continued, causing a loud scoff to escape my lips.

"Never." I spat, earning another punch, but this time straight to the middle of my face. Within seconds, I felt a warm liquid run from my nose, and I knew it was blood. The side of my face began stinging as he slapped me once more, and before long I was recieving a full beating.

"Get the kids." He growled as the two men rushed out, returning seconds later with Drew and Alyssa, both with guns pointing to their heads. Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. "Now, Marissa, I want you to tell Jason how much you need him to come and get you." He said, pulling his phone from his back pocket.

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