Chapter Twelve

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"How is this possible?" I screamed, slamming my fist against the wall beside me. We had been to all the warehouses, and we didn't find Danny in a single one of them. There wasn't even any of his men there- they were completely deserted. "There is no way on this earth he has left without a trace." I growled as I glared at Matt who was typing away frantically on his computer.

"I'm trying my hardest boss." He whispered, quickly glancing up at me. I sighed, trying to think of another plan.

"What about his members, do we know the location of any of them?"

"Johnson has been working on that back at the warehouse." He announced.

"We're going back. Matty I want you to keep looking to see if you can find anything, okay?" With a nod of his head, he climbed into the back of the van and began searching. I sat in the front, sighing as we began the long drive back to LA.


I wandered into the warehouse absentmindedly, feeling tired and exhausted from the trips we had made. Right now, I wanted nothing more than to go to bed and get a good night's sleep, but I knew that wouldn't be possible.

"Boss, I think you need to see this." Johnson gulped, as I nodded and walked around the counter to where he was. He clicked on something, which caused a video to come up, and my eyes immediately widened when I saw who it was.

"Marissa." I whispered, more to myself than to anyone else. She had a red mark on her cheek, along with a small, light bruise under her right eye. There was blood streaming down her nose and tears were brimming her eyelids. As they videod her, she was constantly looking behind the camera, as if she was looking at something.

"Tell him." Someone demanded, and I immediately recognised the voice as Danny's, causing my jaw to clench.

"Jason, please come." Marissa begged, as tears started rolling uncontrollably down her cheeks.

"DADDY!" Drew's voice screamed, as I immediately perked up. The camera was turned around, showing two guys with Drew and Alyssa in their hands, each had a gun pointing to their head.

"Good luck finding them McCann." Danny chuckled. A foot flew forward and kicked Marissa in the stomach, causing her to go flying backwards and smack her head against the floor before the video ended and all eyes were on me.

"Trace where that video has come from." I demanded.

"We've tried boss, we can't get anything."

"What do you mean you can't get anything? They can't send a video without leaving a trace behind," I told him, "find something." I spat before charging into the supply room.

"McCann." Drew greeted, standing up to shake my hand. I gave him a quick nod.

"How are we on supplies?"

"Fine, we're getting more things in but we have enough to support us."

"Excellent." I mumbled, looking around at everyone who was rushing around frantically.

"And I heard about the video, don't worry," he reassured. "Johnson and Matt know what they're doing. They'll be home in no time." he patted my shoulder and gave me a small smile.

"Thanks Drew, I hope so."

"We're just as good if not better than what we were five years ago. We tracked Danny down numerous times and I have no doubt that we can do it again." I gave him a small smile before I saw Jaden charging through the door.

"Jason come quick." He panted as I rushed out behind him.

"What's going on?"

"We have a location for some of Danny's men. We can go there and see if we can get any information." I nodded and began jogging out the door, trying to ignore the excruciating pain in my stomach as I did.

"Where is the warehouse?"

"Just outside of LA, about half an hour from here." I left the warehouse and piled into the van with the guys as I sped off down the dirt road.


I parked the van just a few metres down the road from the warehouse. From the outside, I noticed a few guards standing around the outside, meaning that we were going to have to sneak in or kill them.

"Have we brought weapons?" I asked the guys, hoping that they had. Ryan nodded, pointing towards the back of the van. "What?" I asked.

"Guns, knives.." He trailed.

"Any bombs?"

"We haven't made any yet."

"Shit." I hissed.

"You didn't tell us-"

"I know what I said and didn't say." I cut Chaz off, not interested in his comment.

"We're going to have to try and find some and if we can't we'll have to come back afterwards." I muttered.

"Well Christan is only three miles away from here, we could go see him now."

"We can't go now. If we go now we could come back and they might be gone and we can't risk that." I replied, "We'll go in, do what we have to do and then go back to see Christan, got it?"

"Sure boss." Matt replied, standing up as he tucked his laptop back into his bag. "So do we just go in and attack?"

"Well firstly, we need to get the guards. There only seems to be five so me, Jaden, Ryan, Christian and Chaz will take care of them, you guys wait here. Keep low but keep an eye out," I reminded before continuing, "once we're done you guys come out and we'll go inside, three take go in the back and three go in the front, understood?"

"Got it." I heard them mumble back.

I seriously hope this will help me find them.


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