Chapter Sixteen

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I pressed my foot onto the peddle as hard as I could, trying desperately to keep up with the van that was slowly getting further and further away from us. 

"Jason." I heard Marissa sigh from behind me, "we're not going to catch them." 

"Yes we will." I spat back, not taking my eyes off the van. I knew they were pulling away, but I just didn't want to admit that. 

"Boss, we'll track them." Matty offered. 

"And what if we can't? I refuse to lose my son when we came so close to getting him. No way in hell." 

"We did it the last time, didn't we?" He asked, but I wasn't giving up. I couldn't get this stupid van to go any faster. Danny made a sharp right turn, heading down a backstreet. No more than ten seconds after, I turned the same road, but the van was out of sight. The road extended for miles, but they were gone. I drove up the street much slower, looking up every driveway and alley, but I couldn't see the van. 

"They can't just disappear." I argued, "it's impossible!"

"Just head back to the base and we'll sort things out from there. You know how good Matty is, he'll track them down no problem." Ryan soothed, rubbing my right shoulder gently. "You go see to Marissa and the baby, I'll drive." With a nod, I climbed over the seats to where Marissa was sitting, Alyssa cradled in her arms.  

"Are you okay?" I asked her, kissing her forehead as she nodded. 

"He never touched the kids, only threatened them."

"What did he do to you?" 

"He beat me." She mumbled, "when he sent that video, he was holding a gun to Drew and Alyssa's head, he made me say all this stupid stuff and I just panicked." She rambled, tears rolling down her cheeks. I squeezed my eyes shut and hugged her tight, before taking Alyssa out of her arms. "She must be starving." She commented. 

"When we get back to the warehouse we can go and buy some stuff for her. I'm so sorry that we couldn't find you sooner." 

"I knew you were trying your best, don't worry about it." She smiled, but I could see the pain in her eyes. "And Danny told Drew, about everything." I squeezed my eyes shut and threw my head back, allowing it to slam off the side of the van. "The America's most wanted thing," I nodded and gulped, stroking Alyssa's cheeks as she looked up at me. Her eyes were the exact same as her mothers, yet she was clueless and oblivious to the situation unfolding around her.. She grabbed my forefinger with her own and began chewing it, causing me to chuckle lightly. 

"You can't eat that." I laughed, smiling down at her as she happily bit my finger, "she must be hungry because she has resorted to eating her own father." I joked to Marissa, causing a smile to form on her face; but the tense atmosphere remained.

"How are you? After, you know," she trailed, referring to when I got shot.

"I'm okay, it's happened before, I can manage." I reassured. 

"Boss, we still have the locations which Jason gave us to try out."

"We can go later this afternoon, we need to get Marissa and Alyssa safe." He nodded before continuing to work on his laptop.

"Who's Jason?" Marissa asked with furrowed eyebrows. 

"We attacked one of Danny's bases, Rogan was there along with a couple of others. Jason ended up telling me everything, and I couldn't kill him. He's only seventeen and he-"

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