How you guys met

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(You happily walked towards the Jujutsu high excited to start your first day as the new 1st year student there. Your brother was your senior who was against of letting you join but you were stubborn to be a Jujutsu sorcerer so here you were walking towards your classroom. You were aware that there were going to be 3 students altogether i.e., two more students besides you. You were excited to meet your classmates. Reaching your said classroom you opened the door and entered the classroom and found two boys sitting there. They looked at you, one of them had dark hairs while the other one was a blonde. The dark haired boy waved at you as you waved back at him while the blonde side fringe haired man looked unbothered)

Y/N- *oh is he emo? or is he just gloomy*

(You waved back at the dark haired boy and walked to where they were both sitting)

Haibara- hi! I am Yu Haibara

(the boy said in a cheery voice making you smile)

Y/N- hi. I am Gojo Y/n

Haibara- wait! are you Satoru-san's relative?

Y/N- his younger sister actually

Haibara- oh it's nice to meet you

Y/N- nice to meet you too Haibara

(You looked at the blondie who looked uninterested in the conversation. You wanted to ask his name but the teacher entered the classroom. After an hour of telling you all about curses, cursed energy and all the basics you three left the classroom. The blonde guy got your interest so you decided to talk to him well get his name for the least. He already left the classroom by the time you said your goodbyes to Haibara. You started to search for him and soon found him standing near the fountain)

Y/N- hey! wait!

(You yelled gaining his attention as he looked back at you. You ran to him)

Y/N- hi! I am Gojo Y/n!

(You said extending your arm to shake hands, he looked at you and then at your hand)

Y/N- do you have a name?

Nanami- Nanami Kento

(he said extending his arm and shaking hands with you making you smile)

Y/N- you seem bothered in the class is there any problem

Nanami- no

Y/N- well you see it's okay you can share anything with me if you ever got any problems

Nanami- why would I do that?

Y/N- cause we are friends!

Nanami- since when?

Y/N- since now!

(You said giving him a huge smile making his eyes widen slightly)

Y/N- well then see you tomorrow Kento-kun!

(You said waving him a good bye as you ran back into the building leaving him alone standing there)


here is the 1st official chapter of the book hehe😁✨️

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