He thinks you have a boyfriend

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Nanami and Haibara were trying to find you since you all were supposed to meet with Yaga sensei in an hour. They were trying to find you all around the campus but there were no signs of you. So instead of looking for you together they they decided to look for you separately. This was also a great chance for Nanami to get some alone time with you since Haibara was clingy to you all the time. He was walking through the corridor when suddenly he heard your laugh coming from one of the rooms. He walked to the room and saw that the door was slightly open. He peeked inside the room and saw you sitting in front of Geto as you play with his bangs and his opened hairs and pinch his cheeks. Geto had a smile on his face as he looked at you.

Gojo- Y/n leave him alone

Y/N- no Suguru senpai's hairs are so soft, and look at his squishy cheeks!

Gojo- so are mine!

Y/N- your hairs are spiky elder brother

Suguru- why are you jealous Satoru?

Gojo- because she hates my hair when i have the best hair in whole Japan!

(he said running his hands through his hairs with a smirk. You just laugh and stand up to sit behind Geto)

Y/N- I love Suguru senpai's hair

(You said as you styled his hair into his usual bun and then wrapped your arms around his neck sticking your tongue at your brother)

Gojo- get away from him Y/n

Y/N- no! he isn't bothered by the hug so why are you?

Suguru- yeah I love Y/n's hugs they are warm

(he said holding your arms and giving you a smile. You smile at him too looking at your brother with a smirk)

Gojo- he likes me more than you

Y/N- he loves me more than you...you love me right Suguru senpai?

Suguru- ofcourse Y/n I love you

Y/N- *squeal* I love you too!

(You hug him even more tightly. Nanami's eye widen at your words, he couldn't believe his ears. You were in love with Geto Suguru, his heart shattered at this statement. He doesn't even bother to call you and just walks away from there)

Gojo- stop spoiling her Suguru

Suguru- what? she is my younger sister too and I love her

Y/N- see elder brother Suguru senpai loves me whereas you, you always tease me. I wish Suguru senpai was my actual brother

(You said pinching Geto's cheeks making him chuckle, you tease your brother making him grit his teeth as he just look sideways)

Sugury- oh c'mon Satoru you know Y/n is playing with you, ofcourse she loves you

Gojo- I don't believe any of your words, you are literally stealing my sister away from me

Y/N- elder brother is jealous *laughs*

(You and Geto share a laugh looking at Gojo who had a pout on his face. Meanwhile Nanami was walking back to the classroom still thinking about what he just saw)

Nanami- *she looked happy with him, ofcourse he is stronger and at the same level as her brother*

(he thought to himself disappointed that he could not tell you about his feelings. He looks at the sandwich he bought for you from your favorite bakery.)

Haibara- here he is!

Y/N- hello Kento-kun!

(You said happily making your way to him along with Haibara)

Y/N- you have got a sandwich is that for me?

Nanami- you can have it

Y/N- haha I would have but I am already full Suguru senpai got me some sandwiches earlier

Haibara- they treat you so well, Shoko senpai literally made us give her shoulders a massage

Y/N- *laughs* I have known them for quite some time now you know

(You said and took your seat in between Haibara and Nanami. You were about to say something to Nanami but soon your teacher came)

Nanami- *why am I not surprised? ofcourse who wouldn't like to have her as a partner*


Thank you so much y'all for 300+ reads on this book🥺❤️

Feel free to drop scenario requests/ ideas🌻

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