He avoids you

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After the incident of seeing you with Geto, Nanami started to avoid you. He was back to square one. He wouldn't talk with you much, you thought maybe he was going through some problems and that he didn't really felt like talking. You were talking with Haibara as you both waited for Nanami. You all were going to be trained by your upperclassmen today.

Y/N- shall we go there today?

Haibara- yeah we should after the training

Y/N- okay then! oh hello Kento-kun!

(you said waving at him to which he just stared at you and didn't said anything usually he would just return a wave but today he didn't)

Haibara- why are you so gloomy Nanami?

Nanami- I am not

Haibara- yeah right, c'mon let's go

Y/N- are you okay?

(You asked Nanami as Haibara already walked out. Nanami doesn't even look at you and just follows Haibara leaving you confused)

Y/N- *is he sick?*

(You shrugged it off and followed the boys to the training grounds. You were walking beside Nanami but he didn't even spare a look at you even though he would sometimes ask you about your day)

Haibara- hello Geto-san, Gojo-san, Shoko-san

Shoko- such a great underclassmen, greeting us as usual

(You waved at your seniors as they returned the gesture)

Geto- Since you know you are going to be train with us, each one of you is assigned to each of us

Shoko- c'mon you are assigned to me

(Shoko said looking at Haibara making him sweatdrop)

Gojo- you are lucky Y/n you are getting Suguru otherwise I would have beat you

Y/N- I wOuLd HaVe BeAt YoU *mocks him*

(You just walked to Geto who seemingly realised that you were quite in a bad mood. He pats your head giving you a smile as you returned the smile back, both of you unaware that Nanami was eyeing you both.

After a gruelling training session your seniors left you, Nanami and Haibara alone. You all sat down under a tree taking rest)

Y/N- Kento-kun would you like to go with us to this new café?

(he doesn't replies you and left alone leaving you and Haibara there)

Haibara- what is up with him?

Y/N- I don't know

Haibara- did you said something offensive to him?

Y/N- why would I do that?

Haibara- then did I said something wrong?

Y/N- I don't know

(Haibara just sighs and then told you that he will talk to him)

Y/N- *he is avoiding me...but I didn't do something or did I actually did something? *

(this went on for days, whenever you tried to talk to him he avoided you which really pissed you off. You asked him if you did something wrong but he wouldn't even look at you and just walks away. He even rejected missions that included only him and you. After a certain time you gave up and decided not to try talk to him)


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