You both go on a mission

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Yaga- Nanami, Y/n you both are to exorcise a curse spirit. It's a 2nd grade cursed spirit.

Y/N- okay!

Yaga- Haibara won't be able to join you since he is sick

(You nod and left the room with Nanami. You both made your way towards the place where the cursed spirit is supposed to be. It was an old house which was abandoned for the last 10 years and the current owner wanted to build a shopping mall there)

Y/N- this place is huge! it looks like a castle, I wonder how it must have looked 10 years ago.

(You said looking at the castle like house You both looked around so you can put a veil)

Y/N- Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure

(You said & a veil started to surround the area you both were in. You looked at Nanami giving him a nod and you both went inside)

Y/N- two floors? I thought there would be more... anyways Kento-kun you can check the ground floor, I'll go for the first floor

(he nods and both of you part your ways. You both checked the area multiple times but got nothing)

Nanami- what a drag! there is nothing here, the cursed energy is here but not here

Y/N- no there IS something here...we are missing out on something

Nanami- what are we missing?

Y/N- hmmm. . . The basement!

Nanami- basement?

Y/N- yeah usually houses like these have a creepy basement which is absolutely sketchy, you know just like in the movies!

Nanami- hm probably

Y/N- oh c'mon don't tell me you don't watch mov-


Y/N- uh what was that? its happening just like the horror movies

(You said excitedly making him sigh. You both started to walk together towards the noice and eventually came across a door)

Nanami- I didn't found this door earlier

Y/N- it was covered with the painting, let's go inside

Nanami- you don't look scared

Y/N- *smirk* should I look scared?

(You said giving him a cheesy wink and unlocked the door, well basically broke the door knob. Opening the door you both felt a surge of curse and negative energy pass through, you both took your stance ready to end this 2nd grade cursed spirit. You both walked in the place which was dark as hell, you both walked side by side and went in further. After almost walking for 20 minutes you both realized you both were walking in circles. Nanami turns on the torch light making you look at him with an "are you serious?" expression)

Nanami- what?

Y/N- you had the torch all this time! and you didn't turn it on till now.

Nanami- you didn't asked me to

Y/N- do I really need to ask you to turn on the torch when we both know it's dark as-


(You both get freeze at your places and look upward making yours eyes go wide. The spirit was attached to the basement ceiling looking at both of you with a huge smile, drool coming out of his mouth. You both jump back as the cursed spirit falls down. It was a weird semi-slime looking curse spirit)

Y/N- *thread spinning technique*

(you formed your whip like threads which were attached to your fingers. Pointing it towards the spirit you launch them as they successfully pierce through the spirit. The spirit started to wiggle around making you move along with him but soon you control your movements and using your strength you throw him across the room)

Y/N- Kento-kun now!

(he nods and attacks the spirit chopping off his arms and then his head. The head fell near your foot and you saw it forming a new body as it smile)

Y/N- you are disgusting!

(You said taking out your needles and pinning the head on the ground exorcising it while Nanami exorcised the other body in front of him. Once done your cursed thread disappears when suddenly you felt the ground shaking)

Y/N- we gotta run! Kento-kun now!

(he nods and you both started running but that cursed spirits slime was stuck on your shoes acting as a glue. You trip fall on the ground, Nanami came back to help you but realising that the building is about to demolish you throw him out with the help of your cursed threads and soon the whole house collapsed)

Nanami- where am i going to find her now? Y/n!

(he said and started lifting off the huge pieces of wall to find you)

Suguru- need some help?

(Nanami looked behind and saw his seniors, Geto and Gojo)

Gojo- Y/n hope you are not dead!

(he said receiving a hit by a shoe, this grabbed everyone's attention as they saw you hanging from a tree with the help of your threads)

Y/N- shut up big brother! I ain't dying this soon!

(You said gaining a sigh from Nanami, chuckle from Geto and pout from your brother)

Gojo- get down you are not a monkey

Y/N- well now the thing is this tree is too high! i might lose a leg if i jump

(You said as they all walked near the tree)

Suguru- let go off that threads Y/n, you'll be fine

Y/N- I am scared tho-ACKH!

(You said when suddenly your grip loosened making you fall down but luckily you were caught by Nanami)

Gojo- niceu catch!

Y/N- thank you...

(You said nervously slowly starting to get off his arms)

Nanami- don't mention it, I was just returning the favour

Suguru- c'mon let's go, you guys did a great job

Gojo- not you Y/n, you were scared from jumping down a tree *laughs*

(Your eyes twitched in annoyance, you ran towards your brother to attack him tackling him on the ground as you sit on his back)

Y/N- you were saying something big brother

Gojo- you are heavy Y/n, get off!

Y/N- it's what you deserve

Suguru- good job Y/n

Y/N- thank you Suguru senpai!

Gojo- oi Suguru you should be on my side

(You and Geto just laugh while Nanami's lips form a small smile looking at you)


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