Chapter 4

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The day of the wedding, everyone was in some way nurvous. Either about how they looked, or.. What was happening.  The only person who was calm was eda, no matter how unbelievable that would be.  She was one of the few people with Raine right before the wedding started.  Eda was looking at pictures of herself and Raine on her phone, when Raine came out fully dressed. "Well?.. " they asked nervously. Eda looked up, and her cheeks were a fuller red than the dress she was wearing.  "Perfect.. Just perfect" she mumbled, with a affectionate smile. "Well.. Your still a little short even with the boots but, hey"  eda teased. "Edaaa!" Raine said playfully, as they both started giggling. "Well.. You didn't tie the tie correctly.. Come here" she said, as Raine stepped up to her. "Thanks eda" Raine said, ad eda started re-tieing their tie.  "It's no problem rainestorm.. No problem at all" she said in a sweet tone. "Hey.. Where's you learn to tie a tie?" They asked with a suspicious smile. "I wore a suit to prom remember?" She asked with a small chuckle.  "Oh yeah, you looked great that night" they said. Eda blushed at the compliment, and put her hands on Raines shoulders.  "Alright.. Just try not to trip over your vowes.. And you'll be fine" eda teased. Raine wrapped their arms around her, and let out a chuckle. 

When Raine left the room, Raines mother, Tracy walked up to eda. "Eda, darling.. Are you okay?" She asked. Eda turned to her and smiled.. A forced smile, but a smile. "Of course.. My best friend is getting married.. I'm thrilled.  Eda lied. " your a good liar my dear.. Good enough to fool everyone else.. But your not fooling me" Tracy said in a sort of playful tone. Eda held the back of her neck, and looked down. "It doesn't take a genius to see they way you've looked at Raine since high school" Tracy said, eda blushed slightly. "So il ask you again.. Are you okay?" Tracy asked.  ".. No.. Im not.. But I will be" eda admitted. Then left out a spreat door, and met with Darius and Lilith.  

The wedding started, and it was beautiful to say the least. As Stephanie walked the aisle, eda could feel a twing of jealousy. She wasted with a fake, but very realistic resting smile.
Lilith glanced at eda, then took her hand. She knew how painful this was for eda.  Eda nodded as a way to let Lilith know she was okay, even if she was lying. As Raine and Stephanie said their vowes.. Eda heard every sweet word Raine uttered to Stephanie. 

It was that day I learned what true heart ache was.. The person I've been in love with.. For more than a decade.. Expressing such words of love..all from the heart less.. To someone who wasn't me... And I have to be supportive.. And smile as watch as they love her.. For the rest if their life..

When the after party came, eda kept to herself in the corner.  She knew she'd break down seeing Raine and Stephanie.  However Raine was actually looking for her, holding Stephanies hand.  Eventually Raine caught up to her. "Eda! Hey iv been looking for you everywhere"  they said. Then nudged Stephanie twoards her. "Thank you so much for planning this!.. It's beautiful and they best day of my life" Stephanie beamed. Right then eda teared up, but laughed it off. "Ah.. Look at me.. You two being all sappy runner off" she said, as more tears went down her face. No matter how hard eda tried, she couldn't stop. "Awh, eda don't cry!" Raine teased. "I'm.. G-going to um.. Take a minute to myself" eda said, and snuck off to a backroom. 

Later on, Darius found her. "Now look at that.. The might eda clawthorne.. Crying" he said, then handed her a few tissues. "I know.. I look stupid.. Don't i?" She asked, as she wiped her face. "No.. Not stupid.. But we are worried about you" Darius admitted. "I'm fine.. Well.. I will be.. Eventually " eda said. Darius looked at eda with pity, he knew how much it hurts, and had first hand experience. "It's going to hurt.. But all you can do is be there for them.. And wait" Darius said. "Your right.. I just.. I hate it.. The fact their with her.. And not me.. " eda mumbled. "I know girl.. Honestly.. I'd rather them be with you, that girl gives off weird vibes" Darius said. "Am I selfish? best friend is getting married.. And I'm in a back room crying about it.. " eda asked. "Well no.. You've been supportive of their relationship since they started dating, and planned this weeding.. If anything you deserve to go get wasted.. And have your sister drag you home" Darius joked. Making eda chuckle.

When the party started dying down, eda was completely and utterly wasted, Darius was wasted, as was Stephenie, and Tracy.  However Lilith was just a little tipsy, Raine doesn't drink. Amador was drunk but still self aware. Tracy however, gir up and drove home, like the strong single mother she is.. Wasted and all. Lilith soon came up to eda, so she could take her home. "Edalyn.. Come on, put the bottle down" she said. "Noooooo.. Im-im not cunk-drunk.. Yet" eda rambled. "Yes.. Yes you are, but the bottle down and come on" Lilith said taking her hand, and eda started crying out of nowhere. Luckily raine was out sof sight from this. "Raine-rainestorm.. Married a not me.. And I'll die alone.. You'll be there.. Won't you lily?" Eda asked Lilith hated seeing eda in this state. "Of course.. Now let's get you home" Lilith said, taking edas hand.

What nobody knew, was while Stephenie was stumbling around, a random guy came up to her. "Hey there beauty" he said. Stephenie giggled. "Hey there.. You come around here often?" She asked. "Maybe just for you.. But only for a kiss" he said. And with no hesitation, they started making out.

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