Chapter 2

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Walking back to my locker was more harder than I thought but I got there anyways and placed my head on it. Sighing. Then someone forcefully turned me around and pressed me against the lockers. "

I know you can't do anything but you've gotta do this. Make sure mum doesn't hear about what happened or else" Zane threatened. He left me then I fell to the floor hopeless "I can't believe your my sister ". He spat and left. I knew what he meant by "or else". Bad things. Really bad things.

I didn't cry but it wasn't the first time Zane had threatened me. I stood up and leanest on my locker, I sniffed. I knew my eyes were red now but like I said,  I wasn't crying. I closed my eyes trying to put this situation into a game. If it was a wrestling game I'd fought for myself.
If it was candy crush Zane would have been the blocks I needed to clear, but this is reality and there is nothing I can do about it.

I opened my eyes and got freaked out by the person in front of  me. Xander white, the most gorgeous, most handsome, most good looking boy in Zane's grade. Or probably the whole school because older girls love him. "Shit" , I said in my head wondering why he was standing in front of me.

"You okay?" he asked. Hello, don't you see the red bulging eyes, but still....
"Of course I'm ok" I faked a smile. He looked at me with confused eyebrows.
"You got a bruised knee"
"Why do you care" I squeezed my eyebrows. He slipped his hands into the pocket of his white hoodie. 

Can I say a perfect match with the white hair that fell to his nose. He grinned
"Stop pushing away people that'll care about you Zora" how the hell did he know my name.
"What are you talking about"
"See you later" and just like that he left. Later? Will there ever be a later. "What the fuck" I screamed in my head.

I slowly opened the door to my house but it still felt like I was making a hell of a noise. I closed the door back and started for the stairs when....

"Zora" her voice stopped my heart from beating literally. I sighed and went a few steps back into the kitchen. Seated was mum and Jason, Zane was standing. " yeah, mum" I acted joyful.
"What happened at school today" my heart stopped again. I locked eyes with Zane. He' facial expression read "tell a lie" and Jason's read "tell the truth". I was totally confused. If i tell the truth I was gonna have to run away from home for sure, but I hate when Zane thinks he's the boss of me.

"Zane bullied a kid at school and when I tried to stop him he pushed me and I bruised my knee then he threatened me not to tell you or else...."I finished it the way he said it. There Mum.  Now protect me from whatever Zane has to do to me.
"Or else what? Huh? You'd do that to your own sister?" Mum yelled at Zane
"Your grounded for 4 weeks Zane"
" but mum that's a month"
" well I'm glad your improving on your math"

Now they were both arguing with Jason trying to cool things down. I wanted to cool down. I ran upstairs and shut my door and threw my bag into my bed. Homework can wait. I open my computer and put on my headphones. This is my only way of calming down. I kept playing, winning all rounds. It was like I played better when I'm upset, angry, sad, maybe even hungry.

I kept playing that i didn't realize it was past dinner time. " mum would've called me" I told myself.  I took out my headphones. Silence. Complete silence.
When I went downstairs everywhere was dark. The only source of light was the kitchen bulb.

I turned on the living room lights and I saw my family seated with with a bunch of other people in black suits, not tuxedos.
"Mum what's going on" I asked confused
"Have a sit" a woman said. She was blonde and had three layers of red lipstick on. These people looked dangerous and my mum was at the point of crying. I sat down.

"Honey you're going away for a short time"
She said smiling in pain.
"Going away?"
"Yes Zora. You're going to a facility called reality gamers. We've watched you for some time now. You play games in an extraordinary way. It's almost like it's your world".  That was too cheesy woman.

" why am I going there"
"Something terrible is going to happen to earth and we need people like you ti help save it"
"I don't understand "
"you don't have to when you get there you'll be properly enlightened "
I scoffed
"Zora" she called startling me. The I mention she had a wired accent of French mixed with British.

"The government arranged this, you have no other option but ti accept" she looked straight into my eyes. I'm speechless. What. A. Day.

They took us to a hotel very far away from home. And by us I meant I and Jason.  He had begged them ti come with me so I wouldn't feel lonely, something could never do.

After what seemed like a week they took us to a lab. We waited at the reception with other kids. I'm guessing we're lovers of games too. Some minutes later they took Jason then they took me.

They layed me on the bed. I turned and saw a my brother in all white unconscious.
"Jason?"  I called raising my head, they pushed me down and the...let's say doctor held a syringe up ti my upper arm.
"What did you do to him"
"Just calm down girl" the man said and inserted the syringe to my body.
Soon my vision became blur. I was now weak and drowsy. When I turned I saw Someone looking at me. At first it was blurry then it became brighter

"Xander?"   I softly said before everywhere became dark.

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