Chapter five

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It was her door but I hesitated before knocking on it like it wasn't her office. 
"Come in" a voice said from the inside and I came in.
"Ah Mr McKenny, I was told you wanted to see me" the lady said with her awfully weird accent.

"Sit Jason" she told me and I did.
"I only came for answers and to see my sister" I went straight to the point.
"Tea or coffee? Decaf" she asked and I got annoyed.
"I came for one thing ma'am" I repeated and she sighed.

"You've already been told why you and your sister are here. The government...,"
"Fuck the government. You took us to space?"
"This is where the training facility is, Mr McKenny"
I scoffed
"How long are we gonna be here"
"Until everything is over"
I scoffed again.

"Look I know you're not comfortable with this but we have to save earth"
I rolled my eyes.
"Where is she" I finally asked.
"Black cubs team, you'll be their second captain after mark. Got that?"
I nodded painfully.
"Your sister is in safe hands"
"I hope so"


I was on my bed cleaning the blood off my mouth and kept my eyes on tori and Carson. I guess she wouldn't be my bunk mate anymore. She was with her jerky boyfriend now.

"She likes him you know" Asher started sitting on axels bed beside mine.
"If that's love then I don't want any part of it" I told him.
"Well, when tori came into the black cubs she was more of a loner than you think and I guess Carson had an eye for her and helped. They developed feelings after" well I'm a loner and you don't see me dating a jerk.

" if he's so nice why is he rude to me" I asked, like there was a sign on my forehead that says BE RUDE TO ME.

"Ever since they gave him Leo, let's say, he lost it" so that's his problem, power, it gets to everyone without self control.
We were still staring at them when our door opened.

"Zora?" A head peeked out and I had to blink twice before believing it was Jason. Boy was I happy to see him.
I ran to him and hugged him tightly, I don't care about the stares.

"Where have you been"
"I'm the second captain of your cub group so don't worry, we'll  be seeing each other everyday.

I smiled, maybe a little to hard. That's one good news I've heard all day. Jason addressed the rest of the black cubs and they chorused and "aye".

"I saw what you did today, it was epic" he winked at me.
"Cut black hair by the way" he scattered my hair playfully and left.
Then I realized, my brother had dyed his hair.....yellow?


Waking up on a bunked bed in a room full of kids my age wasn't strange anymore but I was still adapting to the fact that I had to bathe in a bathroom with stalls, that means I could see as other girls scrapped their pits. Not a good sight I tell ya.

So I waited for everyone to be done before so I could have my privacy. I wrapped my white robe on and started drying my hair with a towel. That's when Carson thought it was the right time to approach me. In the girls bathroom!

"Carson what do you want" I said turning to face him and his companions after noticing them through the mirror.

"I just made one move for us to win and you already hate me"
"Mark is thinking of demoting me"
His face was stern. I gotta say I was a little shocked.

"If I no longer be a Leo Zora, you're gonna pay for this"

"Are you that stupid Zora. Don't you get it. We've never won a game and all of a sudden a new idiot recruit jumps in and saves the day. Ruining the old guys plans of making his cub better"

"Making the cub better? With that lousy formation? You know I think you should get demoted cause you don't deserve this spot"

I definitely went too far. But I had to put out there for him. He wasn't taking his responsibilities seriously. I'll Carson scoffed then grinned at me. He made a hand sign and his puppets grabbed both my arms.

"You think you're pretty clever huh?"
He punched me Omar that same spot again. Then on my face. He kicked me too. Xander was right, I need training lessons badly.

After unending beatings Carson's minions left me and I fell to the floor breathing hard and blood bleeding from my nose. Carson spat on the floor, disgusting by the way, and left.

I couldn't say anything. I couldn't do anything. I tried to stand up putting my support on the sink. I looked into the mirror, I now had a scar on my forehead. I sighed and washed out the blood.

I got to my bed keeping the bruise on my forehead hidden and you wouldn't believe what I saw on my bed. A hoodie.
"Xander left a hoodie on your bed" axel informed me.

"Yeah I got it" I tried to hide my face.
Why will Xander even give me this. Well there no way I'm not gonna wear it. Now I can really hide the scare on my forehead.

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