Chapter nine

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This is a really tough chapter to write I hope you guys would love it.🤞

Yes my heart suddenly grew legs and were accelerating like crazy. I didn't know playing this game would make me feel this nervous.

Pull yourself together Zora, you've never been nervous about a game.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't know Ava was handing me my hover board. I took it from her and looked at the color, black. Typical.

"How do you deactivate a person's hover board?" I asked her in a whisper not wanting Mr punchy to hear me. That's Carson.

"There's a button at the back of it" she replied with a mischievous grin. "Looks like you got a plan" she added and I smiled at her.

Of course I wasn't just gonna play the role of a knockout bomber. Everyone had to play both roles considering we're ten and have 30 opponents.

Some how I just needed to find a way of giving the other team mates knockout bombs but how.

The man from earlier went over the rules of the game and it sounded much harder coming from him.

Turns out each team gets 20 knockout bombs because there are 6 properties of each cub team. Hidden in the maze with the cubs colour.


Carson, Alec, jack, Ava and I had 5 knockout bombs. I looked at rest of our group as Carson went to talk to the man. They where all looking

"You do have another plan right Zora" Donald says, and I'm absolutely shocked.

"Carson have been using this stupid plan ever since and we never made first place. I don't know if he's blind" jack concurred, glancing at Carson with a strong glare. They didn't like him.

"I don't know...."
"Surely you could think of something" Asher told me. Those hopeful eyes gave me an idea.

"We have to share the bombs, and hide it from Carson, be vigilant so no one deactivates your board. Everyone has the role of everything, deactivate hover boards and destroy the other cubs properties" I said as I quickly gave jerry and Asher a bomb leaving me with three.
Ava gave Donald and Andrea each a bomb and Alec gave Chloe two.

Surprised Chloe didn't go off to report me.

They where a bit tensed.
"You guys can do this" last word of encouragement wouldn't hurt.

"And if you run out of bombs don't hesitate to steal from Carson"


The doors slid up and I stared at the huge room in front. It looked like there were no floors or ceiling. The big maze in the middle of the room like it was floating was huge. It will be hard finding those items while trying to hide from people trying to deactivate your hover board making you fall to the ground.

Well, not exactly fall.

We all stood in our hover boards and  road, staying in a straight line in front of the maze, the location.

"Zora join them" the man said then I realized I was the only person still standing.

I gulped and then stood in my hoverboard almost falling. He held me den I nodded at him before steering myself to my empty space.

Focus Zora. It can't be so hard to ride a hover board.

I looked at my team mates, I could see the look in their faces. They where ready. I glanced at Carson and his gaze made me angry. I'm gonna win this you jerk.

Yes, this is the feeling I need for this game.

The lights turned green and we all raced for the maze.

I started in a path my eyes where focused on earlier. At a point I'd glance at my back just to make sure no one was following me.

I kept searching for anything with a paw colour white, red or blue.

Then Boom. I found the white one and didn't hesitate to blow it up.

Two bombs left and the whites have 5 more properties. Things are gonna turn out great for sure.

Not gonna lie I was enjoying this. I even deactivated the hoverboard of a few players, and I could smell victory.

I was searching a path when I saw Cassandra. Her back was facing me. I drove my hoverboard slowly not to get detected. She turned her eyes widening but was to late.

I saw as she tried to move but couldn't in some seconds she'll drop lightly. She looked at me with hate. Of course she would.

I glanced past her the last item of the blue cubs was there using my second bomb I destroyed it as she dropped. 

I looked at the board. The whites still had 3 more items left, we had 2, the reds had 1 more. I had to be fast.

I still hadn't found Caleb yet though.

And he was still at the top of the board with me in second. He's good.

I went through another path and saw Ava destroying the last of the reds.

I smiled at her. We where sure of second place now but we aimed for first place.

We split up and kept searching. I glanced at the board. My group just had had me, Ava, and Chloe left.

The whites still had Caleb, and three other dudes I didn't know. Then I saw that another of our item had been destroyed. I gasped. I panicked. We had one left.

I steered my hover board like a maniac. Looking for an item of the white. Until I found Caleb. He was about destroy our last.

Not on my watch.

I snicked quickly from behind and deactivated his hover board. His board stopped.  He turned to me and smiled. "Nice but your too late"

My eyes looked past him and found out he had already destroyed our last item then suddenly I couldn't move.

The game was over. We lost. I lost.

Still staring at Caleb our hover board took us down. I didn't know if I should be mad at him. Those green eyes where really doing something to me.

We got down from our hoverboards and walked to the exit. Caleb Opened the door and we all stepped in.

The white cubs ran over to him and they celebrated their win. I went over to my cub and the look on Carson told me what was next.

"You disobeying bitch" he started off walking up to me with everyone watching.

"I should've known you where going to do something stupid"
"Carson we won" I shot back. "Second place" I quivered at my last statement. His face was damn scary.

He was about to hit me and I closed my eyes. When I got them open I saw someone's hand holding Carson's knuckles.

Xander? No, it was Caleb when I turned.
"You should really be happy you got a cub member like her, she deactivated me in that game" I looked at Caleb who stood beside me.

I..I did? Wait I did. Oh my God.

Carson forcefully took his hand off Caleb's and left to the waiting room.

I turned back to Caleb who had a grin on his face. He left too and every one started leaving.

"That was awesome Zora" Ava said standing beside me and we headed for the door.

"So what's next?" I asked her and she replied "The results".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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