Chapter seven

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"He definitely doesn't see you likable" I told myself as I walked to his dojo or vault or whatever. And you should probably know who I'm talking about.

I stood in front of the circular door but I didn't see him. "This is ridiculous" I told myself again and turned to leave.

But those blue eyes had to be there. Did I mention he had blue eyes?? "Where are you going" he asks. I should have seen that coming.

"Nowhere" I answered. Can you actually feel the awkwardness of this conversation? I'm pretty sure Xander felt it too but he's definitely not showing it.

He walked past me and put in the password to the door. "Black" he suddenly says and I'm suddenly confused then he looked at me from his shoulders and says "it's the password"

"Oh" was what I mumbled and then a little voice asked me my he even told me his password.

"I trust you" he says answering my question then got inside. I could have sworn I saw a  grin on his face, but I didn't blush though.

I took deep breaths and got in too still having an eye for the devices in his room. If I had them all I won't even go to school anymore. Damn.

When I turned to look at him he already had his hoodie off leaving him in white tank top and white sweat pants. His muscles flexed as he stretched and I just couldn't look away.

"Try not to get distracted" he joked. He's flirting with me again. I smiled awkwardly and took off my black hoodie leaving me in black tank top and a white sweatpant just like his.

I could feel his gaze on my forearm and i just had to fold my hands. Whose distracted now?
He snapped out of it and walked over to the large mat. Then I followed.

"Being in this facility entails you being mentally and physically strong" he really stressed the physically part enough to make me embarrassed.

He grabbed my arm, raised it and looked at it, almost like he was checking me out. "You're not out of shape but you need exercise and training" he dropped my arm.

Well of course I need exercise, the only thing I did back on earth was wake up, play games, eat, school, sleep, repeat. Not so much of a schedule.

"Position" he yelled and i quickly raised my fists and tucked my right legs backwards. I'm actually startled to see myself in this "position".

"Balance" he whispered and then we began. Cheesy.

I tired punching and kicking but he dodged every single move with his hands folded behind his back, mocking me. I eventually became tired and stopped. This is work.

"You're too slow Zora" I frowned at his out burst. That was rudely right.

"Too slow that one can easily predict your next move. It's like you're just being lazy...."

"Ok I'm here to be taught not to get insulted by my sensei"

"If only you could strike like you talk" I scoffed. This guy. He gained position again and so did I.

"Attack with speed and force, make sure my predictions of your next hit are wrong" this isn't physics Xander.

I basically grunted when I threw my punches which he all easily blocked or dodged. I had no idea it took this much strength to throw hits every half a second.

Then I gave a few kicks which came in fast from me. One directed to his mid section and he held my leg. Somehow I just got the instinct to throw myself up with the other leg and aim for his ear.

Well it worked and I landed on my side when Xander let go of my leg clutching his ear.

"I guess I underestimated you" he smiled when he's meant to be crying in pain. Then again I don't think my kick would've been that affected.

"Don't worry it isn't the first time I've been kicked to ear" who said I was worried.

"You got skills. All you need is motivation" he says as I stood up.

After a little more fighting and me getting satisfied with hitting more parts of his body. He directed me to some punching bags. According to him I'll have strong fists if I practiced punching with them.

I spent hours punching that thing I don't think it moved that much. It was just too hard and I gave up probably at the 20th punch.
I just wonder all the other training I'm missing being here. Mark or Carson is going to kill me.

"Here take this" he handed me a paper with signature on it which I think is his. We were done and we both wore our hoodie back. I need a shower.

"What's it for" I hesitantly asked.
"Give it to captain mark if he asks you where you've been. And you'll also be coming here everyday after lunch" I frowned knowing I'll have to be doing this everyday freaking day.

Well I nodded to tired to even say a word. We got out and was about to go out separate ways but he called me back.

"If I'm not here yet just get started without me" he patted my head and left. I still stood there though wondering if he was talking about the training or the pile of video games in his vault. I smiled at the thought and headed for the black cubs room.


I really hope you guys are enjoying this. I'd like to get a feedback...someday.

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