Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Feyre's POV

Feyre hadn't slept in three days - not since Celeste had locked herself in her room again. No one could get in - she had not eaten; she had not talked to a single soul. 

This was getting out of hand. She couldn't sit around and wait for the girl to come out of her room. Three days was three days too long - she would not let this happen again. She would not let Celeste stay cooped up for even one more day.

But after 5 minutes, Celeste still had not opened the door.

Feyre's throat bobbed. An unpleasant feeling had settled in her gut - one she hadn't felt since her days in the spring court.

Something was wrong.

'If you don't open the door in the next minute Celeste, I'm going to call Rhys to do it himself.'

10 seconds passed.



The door did not open.

Celeste did not emerge.

Rhys winnowed to her side; broke the shield around the room. Feyre flung the door open. Cassian and Azriel strode up the stairs; waiting, watching for why their High Lady was frantic.

Feyre froze.

Azriel shoved past her into the room.

The Illyrian howled.

The girl was no longer there.

Celeste was gone.

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