Chapter Twenty-Two

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Celeste's POV

'Nothing,' Madja declared after her first appraisal of the girl, upon Rhysand's request.

That's because there's nothing wrong with me, Celeste wanted to say.

She couldn't manage the words - not because she didn't have the energy this time, but because she knew they were not true in any sense.

Celeste refused to let anyone but the High Lord - and Madja - in. Once, Cassian had made it as close as the door.

He hadn't lasted more than two minutes before his grin cracked.

Cassian hadn't been back since.

No one had been able to make her smile - or even think a single positive thought - in the past almost-two weeks.

Celeste didn't want any of those.

They meant nothing to her anymore.

'Leave,' she said bluntly to the pair. She didn't look beyond the foot of her bed. The pair glanced sidelong at each other.

By that point - a week since Rhysand's first visit - they were just grateful for any response from the girl.

On a good day, Celeste mustered up enough shits to glance at the High Lord. She knew it would come across childish - bratty.

She quite literally could not muster up enough shits to change it.

A bad day meant no one was going to get through that door. Not to provide food; not to provide company. If Celeste wanted to curl up in bed all day, staring blankly at nothing, then that is what Celeste would do.

It was Nesta's turn to knock on the door today.

Today was a bad day.

One more visitor, and Celeste was going to lose it.

She was angry now. The sadness had faded away - she didn't give a shit about sadness. Celeste was fucking pissed.

Who was he, to have so much control over how she felt - who was Azriel to ignore her, let her lock herself away, not give any fucks about her when he knew just how much she was hurting from the mating bond with Eris.

He was selfish. He was a selfish, Illyrian prick, but Celeste was the idiot for not seeing it sooner.

How could she have fallen for him. For his rugged hair, and perfectly sculpted jawline; for his delicate touch and soft lips and-


Celeste's mind went blank. She could not think before her body had already moved to the door. She flung it open. She didn't care who was standing on the other side - didn't care if it was Rhys or Cassian that fucking prick-


She froze. Her eyes locked with the male's.

There was only fire in her gaze now.

'I'm ready.



Drama ~ I'm living for angry Celeste. Get it girl. 

What do you guys think so far? I'm really invested in writing this again now... but there's a lot of emotions and miscommunication it seems... fun!!I'll see you guys in the next chapter!Charlotte🤍💫

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