Chapter Fifteen

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Celeste wasn't sure what the Court of Nightmares would entail, but it certainly wasn't this. Mor had winnowed her to the entrance, Celeste's long midnight dress settling around her ankles.

She had grown accustomed to the sudden flurry of the world around her, slipping out from beneath her feet as the darkness consumed them. She reminded herself this darkness was different to that of the Cauldron - no matter the mixed feelings that arose when she thought of that time.

Cassian had reminded her incessantly that she was not obligated to attend, and he would be more than happy to play cards with her for the day should she choose to stay home. Celeste only smiled at the male, lifting herself onto her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek before waving a small farewell over her shoulder. A see you later, as they called it.

Goodbyes were not something either of them were fond of, they had come to decide.

Standing before the large mountain doors, Celeste did not wear a heel on her feet. Her hair had merely been sculpted to rest behind her shoulders, her natural waves accentuated only slightly by the twins. The only product painted upon her skin was a slight pink powder upon her cheeks, and black kohl that lifted her eyelashes, making them appear longer as they made her eyes appear rounder.

The picture of innocence and loveliness - naivety - Rhys had painted her as. That was her role in this meeting today: to capture the wandering eyes of the room with her unfamiliar presence. To lure those bodies towards her, let them think she would allow their prying eyes get close enough to hit home.

The perfect distraction, should all go to plan.

Azriel had kept his distance from Celeste all morning, whether from the speculation at breakfast or the roles they were to play out later, the girl did not know. He wore his usual Illyrian leathers, all siphons strapped to his frame and glowing brightly against the dark exterior.

When their eyes caught for a moment, the corners of her lips turned up in a small smile to the male. He seemed to freeze as she walked over to him. His eyes did not steer an inch away from her own.

'I see you've got your fancy leathers on tonight,' she stood before the male, wiggling a brow at his hazel eyes. She could have sworn they softened as she fidgeted back and forth on her heels, getting her extra adrenaline out as he quirked his own eyebrow at her.

'Mor told me me she went into town,' his gaze finally dropped to her dress, before he turned his head away, watching as the female passed by.

Celeste's eyes jumped back to Azriel as he observed the blonde-haired faerie. She tried not to analyse the heaviness in her chest too deeply, the way her heart seemed to crack between her ribs as she watched him watch her.

Mor was beautiful, and had known Azriel for centuries. She wasn't sure why she seemed to put herself up against her friend, or why the knowledge had her chest cracking once again. Mor's friendship with Azriel did not discount her own friendship with the both of them. 

Still, it did little to dull the wave of sorrow that overcame her.

As though sensing her sudden shift in mood, Azriel's focus instantly made their way back to the girl. His small smile seemed a little more forced this time. 'The style suits you,' he concluded, nodding back down at her dress.

Before she could respond, the entrance to the mountain palace opened, and Celeste instinctually stepped closer to the male's side. He seemed to do the same, his feet moving of their own volition to line up beside her own. The pair shared one final glance before walking into a room she could only describe as a nightmare turned into reality.

She didn't realise Azriel had placed his hand on the small of her back until he was nudging her forward, keeping her at pace as she jolted into step by his side.

She was the image of innocence, yes; but Azriel presented as a ruler of the shadows, the darkness, a guardian of the depthless night between the stars that Rhysand had called his own. While her light rays shone brightly around her arms and neck in place of jewels, his darkness swept behind him and curled around his wings, only one veering away to curl around her finger.

As though he and the darkness were old friends - one.

She let her surprise of the room's glowing disgust for Rhysand show, batting her eyelashes rapidly, letting her gaze flicker between each male's that leered at her before dropping to the floor just as quickly.

She did not let her own repulsion at her submission rise up - not yet. She could think about the image she painted for herself  in the name of the Night Court later. For now, her youth granted her their underestimation. It was an advantage, in her eyes, one she certainly needed against those physically stronger than her. If they did not yet know the full extent of her abilities, of her hatred for what had happened to her family, they would not see it coming when she let loose all she had bottled up for so long.

When she snapped, she intended to take them all by surprise; when she learned the true depths of her power, she would drain the world with it.

Until then, she stepped closer to Azriel's side. She let the words of politics and pettiness float through her ears without settling home between them. Let her eyes shine with confusion and doubt when she politely returned the smile of the hungry eyes watching her while she stood before the High Lord's dais.

She strayed not too far from the throne as they spoke, head bowed as males lingered near while she walked through the room, curtsying to any who stopped her, or stared for too long. Each proposal they gave to dance with her, she only looked back at Azriel, appearing to ask for permission like a small child.

Each time, he only tucked her behind his back as she gave them a disappointed smile and apologetic gaze when she was shuffled along.

Azriel remained glaring until each male cowered under his watch.

When she finished her round of the tables nearby, she picked up the debate behind her seemed coming to a close with Rhysand's subtle change in tone. She did not want to be caught in the middle of whatever scuffle may arise when the temper of Keir or his entourage broke loose.

Or when the High Lord she did not recognise upon the throne burst that man's self-righteous bubble.

Just as she settled beside the dais once more, Azriel to her left, Morrigan to her right, she felt a warmth growing in her chest, like a fire being ignited after nearly dwindling out in the campfire.

'Bring him in,' she heard Rhysand say.

The bubble of warmth in her chest grew, until it was almost unbearable to stand still with the sizzling of her heart. It was like part of her was coming together, a puzzle piece of her soul clicking into place.

She looked around, wondering if her comrades felt the same shift in the air. Only Azriel's eyes betrayed any inkling that he too felt some sense of that same uncertainty she felt climbing up her throat.

As they watched the door to the throne room creak open, Celeste's eyes suddenly snapped to the figure walking in the distance. Her vision tunnelled, blurring at the edges as she watched the red-haired faerie step deeper into the throne room, their gazes locking until all she could see, all she could sense, was the heat of his amber eyes staring right back at her.

The eyes that belonged to the most beautiful male Celeste had ever seen.



I'm back from hiatus, and guys- I have been so excited to write this chapter. I hope you guys love it as much as I loved writing it!

Comment who you think just walked in, and how you think the next chapter will go! I'l be posting Chapter Sixteen tomorrow, so stay tuned!

See you all then! Charlotte🤍💫

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