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Anastasia's POV

I guess I thought it was going to be rainbows and butterflies after Calum and I were working in the same city. I didn't think about the fact we were teachers who were still in their beginning years and still making shit money. We had started renting a small house just a month ago, but didn't realize how expensive it would be...

"Calum do you have your $400 for rent?" I asked walking out with the bills in hands to see him walking in the door with a bag in his hand that read Game Stop.

"$400? Damn I forgot it was so much." He mumbled looking at his feet. I groaned throwing myself to lay on the couch.

"Calum. I told you last night before we went to bed. How are we supposed to keep this place if you don't remember how much the bills are?" I sat up to watch him install the Xbox One that he had just went and got.

"Look Ana, I'm sorry. How about if you pay this all I'll handle both the electric and water bills." He suggested sitting next to me and placing his hand in mine.

"Enjoy your Xbox, because you don't have to sleep in your room, but you're not staying in mine." I gave him the cold shoulder and walked back to my room, or more of our room since we hadn't spent a night apart. I pulled out my lesson plans for the next month and started working on those to get my mind off of Calum's irresponsibleness

"Hey, Anastasia, I really didn't mean to forget about that." Calum frowned standing in my doorway as he scratched the back of his head unsure of what to do.

"Cal, you can't just forget about things like rent. You never forgot at the old place, so I don't get why this is any different." I sighed crossing my arms and forgetting about the color coded papers scattered around my bed.

"I guess I'm just not as use to the $400. I have $300 left over, which is what the old rent was. I always kept that much. I'm just not as use to the high bills anymore. I can give you that or do what I said before and just pay the other bills together if you cover my half of rent." I rolled my eyes at his idea, because he didn't realize that the water and electric bill together were way less than the rent.

"You don't even know how much the bills are." I laughed and he did too seeing I wasn't as mad before. I patted the bed next to me that didn't have any scraps on it, to tell him to come sit. "Just give me what you have, and give $100 extra with water and electric, which by the way is only $150 a piece."

"Oh, I thought it was more." He smiled kissing my cheek which made me roll my eyes.

"You're still not staying in here tonight. I'm down $100 till my next check and since I won't have that money, I'll be having Netflix marathons... alone. Be on your way, I'll be out to cook dinner." I kissed his cheek and pushed him to get moving.

"Oh, you think you can be alone until your next check?" He smirked over his shoulder as he was about to leave. I nodded smirking back. "Challenge accepted."

I had no idea what Calum had planned, but I was sure I could last two weeks alone. I didn't need Calum by my side all the time. We see enough of each other. Did I mention we work at the same school? And because he teaches all grades he's located only a few doors down from me. I didn't however expect what came with telling him he couldn't stay in my room...

"Hey Ana, we've got the morning for lessons, the guest speaker they weren't sure about ended of coming. We can just drop our kids there where Kristie said she can handle them. Then we pick them up for lunch." Lily, a fellow fifth grade teacher, informed me as I got my morning coffee from the break room.

"Kristie always has our kids in line. She's amazing." I commented. Kristie was the third fifth grade teacher at Little Dayton Schools. Lily and I were both young teachers, this being my second year (first at Little Dayton) and being Lily's third. Kristie is going on 15 years in the district and as a teacher. At one point she was up in the middle school, but she said her heart always laid in fifth grade.

"Let's get our kids to the amazing Kristie." Lily laughed and we went on our way.

"Well I'll see you for lunch." I smiled and walked in the direction of Calum's classroom. I thought this was the perfect time to see Calum, since he had planning in first bell.

"Ms. Evans, what can I do for you at this hour?" Calum asked after I walked into his small office at the back of his class. I raised a brow and sat in the navy seat in front of his oak desk that took up half the office itself.

"Well, Mr. Hood, I am here because I have the morning to do plans that I finished last night." I smiled and looked at his unorganized mess in front of him.

"Oh well, I need to do some planning, so if you don't mind..." He nodded towards the door and I just tilted my head. "Ms. Evans I must do planning myself, I didn't sleep very well last night, but that's personal. I won't bother you with it."

"I see how it is... Mr. Hood." I glared as I left going to my own classroom to contemplate what to do. I sat in my room for just a few minutes before smirking and heading back in the same direction I had come from. I pulled my waves out of the pony tail I had them pulled in and tossed it around a bit before entering the class and unbuttoning the red plaid shirt to show the perfect amount of cleavage.

"Ms. Evans what are you doing?" Calum asked typing away on his computer seeing me from his peripheral vision. I walked towards him and placed my hands on his desk leaning over. When he turned his eyes were right where I needed them.

"Oh, Mr. Hood I was just thinking how lonely I've been." I pouted and he bit his lip bringing his eyes to mine looking between them and my lips.

"Has your boyfriend not been taking care of you lately?" He asked making me giggle.

"Oh Mr. Hood he's been the worst." Just as he leaned in for a kiss I pulled back. "Which is why I'm giving him payback for kicking me out of his office."

I buttoned my top back and fixed my hair peeking behind my me to see Calum staring flabbergasted at me. I winked and walked out just in time to run into Lily who was looking for me.

"Yeah just had to pay Mr. Hood a visit to talk about the weekly music lesson." I smiled. None of the school knew we were dating and we didn't plan on letting them know.

"Oh, he's quite the hot teacher. Whoever that girl he tells the guys about sure is lucky."

"He talks about his girl?"

"Oh well to the guys. You know Matt was saying how happy Calum is this year to have her back in his life." I smiled biting my lip and said my goodbyes to Lily. It'd be hard to play this game with Calum for the next two weeks, but it would be fun.


Well.... It's back.... Please tell me if I should continue this Sequel or just scrap it...

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