I - Madness around us

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- Madness in people, chaos in their minds and darkness in their souls alway intrigured Evangeline

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- Madness in people, chaos in their minds and darkness in their souls alway intrigured Evangeline.

Madness stalks in many minds, driving them to depths of despair that some may never climb out from.

There is an underlying sense of chaos in some people that takes over, invading their minds, their hearts and every corner of their souls.

Darkness seeps in with every step, thoughts become scrambled and distorted, irrational and wild. What was once a relatively calm and ordered life unravels, and the soul is pushed to a brink past which it may never return. Too often, it is only seen by the outside world as erratic and sometimes violent behaviour, but the person in the grip of insanity is hardly in control of their actions or emotions.

They are caught in the midst of a mental storm that may never abate. It can be a lonely and frightening place, one that is difficult to escape or even understand. It is in these moments that we must reach out to them, empathize and provide love and support, all in the hope that one day, that person can find the courage and strength they need to find their way back again. And that is exactly why Evangeline has chosen this job, because she believed that she was able to help them.

And there she was, standing right in front of a place in which they all were trapped, well at least most of them.

It is one of those places that no matter how many times she would visit, she would never truly get used to that unsettling feeling of being there.You would see thigs you never thought could exist and people with such complex minds than you could ever imagine.

As she walked in, the air almost electrically changed, the walls were thich full of sadness and pain, and she could feel it. She kept walking until she noticed one person in the corner of the room, sitting and just staring blankly, while the other was lightly singing a song, that was totally unknown to her and yet intrigued her. Her curiosity had taken a hold of her, as she kept going closer to that patient, just enough so she could hear the lyrics of the song, for better or for worse.

,, Despair and fear will fill her heart,
As she falls in love with the killer's art,
Though he will kill her in the end,
Her life shall end before it even begins

Love and death intertwined,
A deadly game, her fate defined,
The killer will court and kill her too,
This is her destiny, her fate untrue

The killer's touch will slowly take,
Her life, her love, no more to make,
She will know that in the end,
Her death awaits, her love was pretend. ''

After hearing the man sing it lightly, confusion washed her over. It made her feel uneasy. She felt unsure about processing the lyrics she heard. Why did she feel need to stop and listen to a song of a mad man anyway ?

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