IV- Reuniting with the past

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  It was a cold and gloomy morning, the darkness depressing her spirit as she drove along the damp and winding roads

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  It was a cold and gloomy morning, the darkness depressing her spirit as she drove along the damp and winding roads. Her stomach churned with the anxiety creeping up her spine as she imagined the unknown destination she was heading towards. Despite the chill in the air, sweat trickled down her back, an inevitability of the pending meeting she was so afraid of.

The car ride seemed to stretch on forever, each passing minute stretching her nerves further and further. The darkness of the morning wrapped around her like a cold, wet blanket, engulfing her in a wave of emotions and feelings. As the black clouds hung low over her head, the heavy atmosphere guided her deeper into her subconscious, where all of her fears and anxieties resided.

The fog clung to the windows of her car like a ghost, cutting her off from the outside world and making her feel as though she was alone in the world. She feared this journey, because she knew it was leading her down a path of no return. Her breath wavered as she stepped out of the car, understanding that she was about to confront her past, the thing she had been running away from for so long.

Soon enough her attention was quickly drawn to the smiling face of Agent Crawford and the familiar face of old friend, Will Graham, standing alongside. Jack had a warm smile on his face and looked like he was really looking forward to meeting her, which he had been waiting for years. While Will nervously shifted his gaze everywhere but on her.

,Old cranky Will ' , she thought.

Whatever has happened in the past few years, he has not changed. He was still a timid and fearful young man who could not stand eye contact or any closeness with people, except with her.

Yet, something in his appearance told her that things were not the same, no matter how much they seemed to be.

"My dear, welcome!" exclaimed Jack, spreading his arms, impatiently waiting for her hug. With a smile on her face, she turned her gaze to Jack and accepted the hug.

It was a very important moment for both of them. A different kind of hug than any they had exchanged before. During this one, their emotions and feelings were conveyed without words. Jack gave her a protective hug tighter, like he used to when his favorite role in life was to be her guardian, a father figure guiding her on the right path despite all the tragedies she was experiencing. Her scent filled his nostrils as he stroked her silky hair with his huge hands.

"I missed you, my sweet girl."

"I missed you too, old Jack," she smiled, already feeling the warmth and nostalgia that these nicknames carried in themselves, reminding them of good times that can no longer be repeated. Never.

She turned her gaze to Will, looking at him uncertainly. She didn't know if he would like the hug she wanted more than anything.

She missed him a lot.

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