II- Shattered hearts

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It was late in the night, when the whole city usually falls asleep, and the everyday noise is replaced by a pleasant silence, however, this is not always the case. Evangeline came home from work just then. When she returned, it was strange that instead of a warm welcome, she was met with silence, a very loud one.

What did she expect, it was very late.

She tried to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake her husband, thinking that the off light she saw in their room meant that he was asleep. She tiptoed and slowly entered their room. She was at the door when she jumped in fear and let out a short scream, seeing her husband by the window, looking off into the distance holding a glass of whiskey.

,, James, you scared me! Why aren't you sleeping already ? '', she said still under the impression of the scene in front of her, trying to control her rapid breathing, holding her hand on her chest.

,, How could I fall asleep when you're not at home? '', he answered, still being in the same position in which she found him. "Where have you been Evangeline?" '' , he asked with anger in his voice, sending her a dark look full of anger and disappointment. At that moment, she knew he was angry.

"He knows. '', she thought.

"I think you already know where I've been," came her gentle voice, almost like a whisper.

  "I do, but I want to hear it from you," he kept strong eye contact, sending shivers down her spine. What was killing her was the disappointment she recognized in his voice and look. She couldn't stand for anyone to ever be disappointed in her, especially not the love of her life.

,, I was working on a new case, which I received. Is that a problem ? '', she crossed her arms, trying to remain firm.

,, I would say that you took it yourself rather than received it."

"It doesn't matter. I don't even know why you're mad about that...'', she said going to the closet, wanting to change out of the tight and uncomfortable things she'd spent the whole day in.

  "I would rather say disappointed," he replied sternly, his speech full of frustration and anger. Evangeline knew that this anger was caused by his concern, but she wanted him to know that there was no need for it, as she was independent enough to take care of herself.

  ,, Honey, will you ever understand that this is the profession I've  chosen ? Why are you disappointed in me for just doing my job? ''

,, Why do you have to rush everything like this?  The impressions didn't even settle, you went through a lot and ...'', before he could continue he was interrupted by her raised tone in which she said :

,, I need a distraction.'' she said in a second, clearly not wanting him to continue with his story, and it worked. He stopped talking and immediately softened. He seemed to understand her need to occupy herself with her work, but not to accept a case that everyone has been avoiding for years and with good reason. He was angry because he knows how much he is risking his life and completely indulges in solving cases, not caring about the consequences and dangers. She loves her job very much, and her dedication has always worried him.

  ,, I'm just worried love.. I don't think you're ready to go back to the madness we've both been dragged into. You shouldn't.. it's too soon after everything that happened.'', , he barely whispered the last part, feeling the pain because of it himself. Sensing her fragility, he softly pulled her into his embrace, his warmth and comfort giving her hope. After feeling calmer, she spoke:

,, We have to move on. I can't keep being in that dark place anymore, I have to get out of that darkness.''

,, What if you just go deeper into darkness? '', he asked, holding her tightly in his arms, resting his chin on top of her head.

  "Then you will be my light that will bring me out of that darkness," she stared into his eyes, losing herself in them instantly. They were no longer dark and dark, there was no anger in them and they were the same warm eyes that she loved to look at every day. The color of his eyes were a deep sapphire, like an ocean on a summer day when the water was so bright. Her gaze locked with his, they both were unable to look away. It was as if his own blue depths held some secret that was only meant for her and her alone.

They were like deep waves that she was gradually getting lost in, drifting along unable to focus on where she was going. The warmth of his gaze enveloped her like a blanket wrapping around her. The weight of it pushed her further and further into the abyss of the ocean, slowly taking away her direction, until his loud exhalation brought her back to reality. The warmth left her body as he began to pace nervously, still visibly worried.

"I'll talk to David, you won't be working on this case and you need to continue with the therapy.", he suddenly said, letting her know his decision.

"What are you talking about?! We already talked about this, and I made my decision.'', she raised her voice, running her fingers through her hair, not believing what she was hearing.

,, We also talked about your return to work, so regardless, you did it again, without my knowledge.''

,, You are exaggerating, as always. And I don't need your approval.''

,, Oh really? "

,,Yes, it's my decision, not yours, James!" Stop trying to control me! You keep forgetting that I am not your Alison and ... !'', although she continued talking, at the mention of that name his response was not verbal, but in the form of throwing the glass he had in his hand against the wall next to him, since his rage got the better of chem.

The glass shattered into tiny pieces that resembled the fragments of her broken heart that she felt in her chest. The peace in their relationship broke just like that glass of whiskey. Leaving her crying as she heard the front door get slammed and James getting into his car, leaving her all alone with a lot of thoughts rushing through her mind.

Feelings swelled in her, leaving her in an emotional mess and before she knew it, she was at the door of the room she swore she wouldn't set foot in. Desperate to escape from the tough situation she was in, she stumbled into the room without hesitation, as her knees gave away the moment she saw that this well and expensively decorated room still remained untouched, she fell to the floor and started crying out loud. She grabbed one of the toys that was on the side table next to the crib, hugging it tightly, letting go of everything she was holding inside.


After a few hours, James returned home. When he got out of the car, he noticed that all the lights were off, except for one. He looked confusedly at the location of the room, trying to figure out which room it was. When he finally realized, the speed of his movement was indescribable. He almost fell, running down the stairs so fast. His gaze timidly wandered around the house as he approached the lighted room. That's when he spotted her, huddled in a pile, hugging a stuffed toy. He breathed out reproaching himself, knowing that he had acted rudely and that he was in this state because of him. He took her into his arms, slipping one arm under her legs and the other around her waist.

  Carrying her, he noticed traces of smeared mascara on her face and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead as he slowly lowered himself onto their bed. Not wanting to move away from her, he positioned her head on his chest as he ran his fingers through her hair. His action had an inevitable soothing effect on her as she completely dozed off to sleep, looking very comfortable now that she was in his arms. Meanwhile, he quietly watched his beloved sleeping peacefully like an angel, feeling the same thoughts rushing through his mind.

,,I'm sorry, my love. Please forgive me.'', was all he managed to say before he also fell asleep, sinking into sleep calmly. Having the woman of his dreams in his embrace.

- But the thing is, nothing lasts forever. So we'll let him enjoy it having her close to her, smelling her irresistible scent before someone comes in and takes her away from him, striving for it as for air.

A/ N :
hey guys, i'm sorry for not updating sooner. hope you like this chapter and i'll try my best to update you sooner.

don't forget to vote and comment !! 💋

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