V - Unspoken words weight a lot

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So sorry for such a long update. ( I hope you missed me xx)

Thank you for the support and enjoy the chapter. Let me know your thoughts when you finish!!! 💋

The human mind has always been a subject of fascination for many. From philosophers to psychologists, the concept of understanding the complexities of our thoughts and behaviors has always been a topic of great interest. But one person who takes this fascination to a whole new level is , indeed present, Doctor Hannibal Lecter.

His human mind was complex on a completely different way, yet very occypied by the indescribably beautiful young lady that was seated right in front of him. His eyes couldn't leave her for a moment. So eager to examine every single detail about her. That was the only thing that would ease him and put his mind to rest. But patience was all he needed to achieve it, despite being tested by the alluring appearance of this angel, that he couldn't wait to own and change. Cut her little wings and switch them for the massively dark and strong ones. But she wouldn't get them so fast. She would be without them for some certain period of time, just to clarify that she deserves them and wants them.

,, I must say, I'm very impressed with your achievements in this field full of madness and disgrace. What made you get into something like this ? '', questioned the velvet voice of the doctor who tried to make his thoughts disappear and use the time he got with her wisely. Although it was just the beginning of their encounters, he needed to make her wish for them to happen more frequently. He was sure of his capabilities of making her fall for him and completely trust him. He always gets what he wants.

The end justifies the means.

,, Well, I suppose I was always intrigued by solving puzzles. And that's what this job is, isn't it ?  Also, the justice is something I've been searching for my whole life. It's good to even try to bring some to those who were wronged.'', Evangeline answered and quickly glanced at Jack before returning her attention to the doctor, '' And as much cliché it sounds, I look at it as a calling. I always had a strong sense of justice and the need to stand up against wrongdoings, of which this world is full of. And when I saw the opportunity to combine my passion for solving puzzles with making a difference, I knew this was the path I wanted to take.''

The doctor could see the passion in her eyes as she spoke. He realized that she was not just an intelligent and skilled individual, but also someone with a strong moral compass and a desire to make a positive impact on society.

He couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to get to know her. Every encounter, every conversation only increased his admiration for her achievements in such a challenging field.

,,It's truly impressive what you have accomplished in your career so far. You have been recognized and praised for your work, and rightly so. Do you deal with the pressure and expectations that come with such success, miss Wright ?''

The marriage status should've been a reason for backing away and giving up, but not for doctor Lecter. He saw it as one more in a series of numerous challenges that follow the way to complete surrender to each other. That being said, he didn't mind seeing the huge diamond ring resting on her finger. It didn't bother him one bit, because he knew they would find a way to each other no matter the circumstances. That's why he reffered to her in her own last name. Because, in his mind, her current partner and husband couldn't stand a chance against him. He had no threats visible in him, but he husband surely will. It'll only take a experienced chef, couple of swings with a knife and delicious dinner would be served effortlessly.

She was getting used to hearing her last name mistakenly used all the time. It would bring her a great frustration and the urge to correct people but this time she didn't do it. She didn't feel the irritation. Not even in the slightest. Perhaps she liked hearing it from Hannibal or wanted to be seen like it from his eyes. This exact moment even crushed her weak and unstable marriage even further. But she simply dismissed it and answered the question with a soft smile on her face, finally relaxing and enjoying her conversation with the mastermind,  '' I've always been someone who strives to do my best, and I believe that hard work and determination will always pay off. But at the end of the day, it's not about the recognition or the expectations. It's about making a difference and bringing justice to those who are silenced but deserve it nevertheless.''

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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