III- The beginning

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The night sky was filled with an evil, dark energy, hanging over the entire town

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The night sky was filled with an evil, dark energy, hanging over the entire town. All of a sudden, it had become silent, as if a switch had been flipped- the bustling streets of the town were now quiet and lifeless. The only noises that could be heard were sirens of police cars, low whispers about this gruesome crime and even quieter sighs of those same people, terrified to the bone. Their hearts were pounding, knowing that a deadly act had been committed.

In the midst of the darkness, one brave young woman was determined to make some changes. She refused to be silenced by the fear of what happened. She was determined to solve the case and bring the murderer to justice. She knew that, once again, she had to stand up against evil.

She marched forward towards the dreadful scene, courageously determined to uncover the truth, determined to bring justice and put a stop to the fear- a fear that had filled up the night like a black blanket. Even in her darkest hour, she was ready to bring back the peace to her beloved hometown.

Courageously, she stepped into the shallow darkness and faced her enemy head on. She was ready to combat this wickedness before it would take away another life. But she also sensed it would be a battle against a greater power, one that only she could stand up against-- the evil that had filled up the night. She thought she could fight it, but sometimes the hardest fights are with ourselves. Can she fight herself and demons in her head ?

By the time she reached the crime scene, everyone was already there, each standing in quiet reverence of the terrible events that had taken place. They took notes of the trees, the dirt, the stillness of the air, and the palpable tension between the officers. It was unnerving, to be in the midst of such a solemn atmosphere.

She furtively glanced at the officers as she stepped closer to the crime scene. All eyes were on her as she made her way around the perimeter, taking in the details of the area. She noticed a faint scent of smoke that seemed to linger in the air, uneasy reminders of what had happened here. She could also make out the faint sound of birds singing in the distance, a stark contrast to the stillness that seemed to permeate the scene.

She took a few more steps, skirting around the various clues that had been found at the scene and finally stopping in front of the deceased victim. She steeled herself against what she was about to see, and took a deep breath before her eyes finally fell upon the body. She was filled with a mixture of anger, confusion, and sorrow, as she looked upon the remnants of a life that had been brutally taken away.

Evangeline cautiously made her way around the body, careful not to disturb any of the evidence. After a few moments, she let out a heavy sigh and stood up straight. There was still much work to be done, and she was ready to begin.

,, You're here..?'', suddenly spoke the deep voice from behind her. She turned to face the person, who had a strange look on her face, watching her carefully.

,, Yes. Sorry I couldn't have came earlier.'', she sighted as she looked around.

,,It's al- alright..'', he began, '' David wanted us to call you, sorry for disturbing you..I know you have a couple of cases on your own.'', the person looked at her hesitantly.

,, Don't worry about it, I'd be happy to help. What do you know so far ? '', she faced the lifeless body of a young woman. She was almost unrecognizable.

What she immediately noticed was that the victim's entrails had been taken out. While others were disgusted and looked away, she watched carefully and gathered information about how it was done. She realized that it was a professional who did it. The matter is even more serious than she thought. The precision and perfection were immediately apparent. She would have to admit that she started to admire the creator of this, and it wasn't good.

,,Not much, without analysis we cannot know the key things.'', he finally replied, '' we know that it is a young girl from the district. Based on the clothes she was found in, he worked in a restaurant called ,, Flavor Utopia'' and was probabbly returning home from her shift. She was between 20 and 30 years old. A more detailed personal description is not possible to see, because.. you can see the reason yourself.'', he exhaled loudly and ran his hand over his face out of disappointment and frustration.

She nodded her head silently and continued to look at the lifeless body of the victim who had a lot more to offer in life, and life offered her this kind of death.

,What was the motive of this murder? Who could she bother? Who did she annoy so much that out of all the possible solutions, the killer chose death?'

While she was thinking about all this, she failed to notice her colleague who was carefully watching her expression. His expression turned pale because of hers and a look full of fear and confusion. Were her lips forming a slight smile or was his mind playing with him ?

Suddenly her cellphone vibrated in her pocket. She picked it up to answer, immediately recognizing the caller, her former boss- Jack Crawford. She knew he only called her when there was something really important to be done, so she excused herself and walked away so she could talk it in peace.

She was right. Jack asked her for help with cases in Baltimore. He said they needed her ability, along with the talent she possessed, in order so solve these cases. But the thing is, she is no longer the same person she used to be.

While her skills may still be amazing, her mind is no longer the same, leading her to question if she can still be successful in her profession. Her old habits have changed, as has her understanding of the world, and she is facing an uphill battle in her attempt at readjusting.

However, with all the confidence and determination that she has, she is more than capable of succeeding despite her struggles. She is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge, they just need to be reawakened and honed once again. Will they ever ?

,, What do you think about visiting us..? We all miss you.. especially Bella..'', after a few moments of silence that lasted like an eternity, he added  ''also, that's the best way I can introduce you these cases, after which you will be able to make the right decision.''

,, I know, Jack, I miss you a lot too. I don't know how smart it would be, after...'', she muttered looking at ground.

,, I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you in those most difficult moments, that's why I want to make it right Eve. Give me a chance to make all of this right.'', he begged.

,, I understand, and don't worry, you never changed in my eyes after everything that happened... You're still my parents, but a lot has changed.'', she simply said.

,, Yes, but our relationship must not change, please.'', he barely whispered, tearing up, unknowingly to her. She was quiet as she felt guilty over hearing what he said, '' You are right. When would you like us to come? ''

,, As soon as possible, Evangeline. We really need you.''

She knew this was something that she just couldn't say no to, despite her already having her own cases. It was a tough decision, but she knew she couldn't turn her back on Jack, the person that gave her the opportunity to flourish in this profession.

At the same time, she thought of all her current cases and they also needed her attention, but before all else, this new case came suddenly first. Taking a deep breath she said,

''Okay, I'll see how soon I can come.''

A/N: hello everyone! i'm sorry for not updating you earlier, i've been really busy and tired. 😩

thank you for voting and adding this story to your libraries, i love you guys sooo much !!!!

i really hope you enjoy it so far. don't forget to vote and comment! ❤️

Passion of darkness: Falling in love with a killer Where stories live. Discover now