Chapter 5?: the landing sequence

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Haha surprise chapter cause I have had such an influx of readers (400 ish readers In like 1 or 2 days)and thx for everything. I will try to update when I can. It will probably be at weird times cause I don't sleep so in the words of scar from the lion king "be prepared"

As the plane landed the grey clouds above us shook. It was like the sky knew the queen had fallen and Henry was mournful. Even though she was homophobic at first she warmed up to us being a couple and i even grew to like slightly. Not as much as I like my ma though.
  Henry emerged from the partition fully dressed in is black suit almost matching mine except with his signature blue sash defining him as a prince.
   Shann stumbled out of the bathroom along with Zhara. Both dressed in black. I think they were doing a bit more that changing in there if ya know what I mean.
"You ready" shann spoke to us
I stood and Henry reached for my hand.
"No but I don't think I ever will be so let's get this party moving" Henry replied

Shann pulled open the plane door and bright flashing lights blinded us as we came into view.
There must have been over a hundred reporters there all trying to gain a glimpse of us. Henry's pp team guided us into the land rover with heavily tinted windows.
As we slid in my phone began to buzz.  It was my sister Catalina June but she prefers June.
"Go and answer it darling."
I accepted the call and immediately I heard my sisters voice
"Hey I just heard the news. Where are you?" Her worried voice tore through the awkward silence
"Well we just landed in England about ten minutes ago." Henry spoke poking his face into the cameras view.
"Oh my god. I am so sorry I don't mean to bother you. I'll call you back later" and just as suddenly as the call started it ended.
We then spent the journey to Kensington Palace in silence. The only noice to be heard was the loud chiming of Big Ben as we past it hitting 3 PM and the police sirens making way for us. As the palace came into veiw I looked at Henry his beautiful eyes glossy.
I pulled him into me and softly whispered into his ear "we will get through this and I will always be by your side."
He looked at me and gave my his true smile. His lopsided grin
"Because your my idiot" he croaked
"Your idiot."

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