Chapter Three

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I doubled over with my hands on my knees as I panted heavily at the bottom of the stairway. I've been carrying boxes from the car to my apartment all afternoon. I felt like the boxes I packed into my car earlier today has somehow doubled in quantity and weight. I walked over to the open car trunk to see that they were only two boxes left. I let out a sigh of relief. The sun was already going down in the distance and I still needed to get settled in before I could prepare dinner for myself.

I attempted to pick up the first box only for it to weigh down my hands painfully until I was forced to let it drop with a loud thump. Thankfully there wasn't anything fragile in there. I swiped a hand across my forehead to rid myself of the sweat that was beading there. "Need some help with that?" A voice came from behind me causing me to jump in surprise. I turned around to face the stranger with my hand clutching my chest where my heart was now racing. He smiled apologetically, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He stuck a hand towards me. "I'm Jake."

I returned his smile, shaking his hand once I was finally able to calm my wildly beating heart. "Ivy, nice to meet you."

His grin widened revealing deep dimples on either side of his cheeks, "Nice name, I like it. So, need help with those boxes? Looks a little heavy but I can probably handle it." He flexed his arms to reveal his muscles with a cheeky grin on his face.

I rolled my eyes, unable to stop the laugh that left my lips. "Yeah thanks, I would appreciate some help." I moved aside watching as he picks up the box I was struggling to lift with ease. He shifted it in his arms, preparing to lift the other one as well.

"Oh no, I got that one!" I rushed to his side, picking up the thankfully lighter box in my arms before closing the trunk of my car and locking it. "You live in this complex?" I asked conversationally as we made our way up the stairs side by side.

"Nah, I stay on campus. I'm just here to pick up a friend." He sent me a reassuring smile probably to assure me that he wasn't a creepy stalker.

"You're in a fraternity or are you staying in the dorms?" My eyes trailed over his body, taking in his appearance. His head was full of dark unruly curls that fell onto his forehead. They contrast with his sky-blue eyes. He was dressed in a casual white t-shirt and light blue jeans, his feet cladded in fashionable sneakers that looked expensive.

He chuckled lightly, "Frat unfortunately. I couldn't do the whole community shower thing at the dorms and joining a frat was cheaper than renting off campus."

I nodded in understanding, the conversation coming to a halt as I stopped in front of the open door of my apartment. "You can just put it down there." I gestured to the corner of the room where the other boxes were stacked. He nodded stepping inside the apartment with me following closely behind.

"I see Leah finally left then." He whispered more to himself than to me, but I couldn't help the curiosity that bubbled over at the mention of this Leah person again.

"You knew Leah too?"

He turned to me, "Too? You knew her?"

I shook my head, "Oh, no I didn't. When they contacted me about the available apartment, they just told me the previous tenant had to leave. Is she your friend?"

He sighed, "Yeah, she was." I noted the use of past tense as he continued, "She lost her sister, Leana, last year. We were all really close, so her death took a toll on all of us but of course Le was her blood, so she took it the hardest. She hasn't been coping well, no one's seen or heard from her since the funeral. Tried visiting her a couple of times but she wouldn't even open the door. I guess she finally decided to go back home."

"I can imagine." I muttered sadly, knowing to an extent what this girl must be dealing with. I considered taking some time away from school as well.

Jake shot me a curious look which snapped me out of my little self-pity party. "I'm sorry for your loss and I hope your friend is doing better." I said unsure of what else I could say without unloading my own trauma onto this stranger.

"Thank you, I do too. We all do." Who was this we he kept referring to? He plastered a smile on his face, but the underlying sadness was still there, "I don't know why I just told you all of that when all you asked was if she was my friend. I tend to overshare, sorry about that." He laughed awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

I smiled at him trying to ease the tension in the room, "It's okay really. I have to admit I was a little bit curious as to why someone would leave at the start of the semester."

I wish I could so easily talk about things instead of bottling it all up. It must be nice; I couldn't help but envy him a little.

He nodded. "Any plans tonight?" He asked in an attempt to change the conversation topic.

"Nope, none. Still need to unpack all these boxed before classes start on Monday."

"My frat is throwing a last day of summer vacation party tonight. It's actually why I'm here to pick up my friend. You should join us, it'll be fun."

"Oh, I don't know... I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Nonsense! You won't be intruding. I can introduce you two right now if you want. He's a little off-putting at first but he's a good guy you'll like him."

I didn't know what to say. Should I do this? Could I do this? This wasn't the type of thing I usually did. I wasn't the partying type but then again, I haven't been myself since that night. I usually never drank before that night but since the funeral, alcohol has been my go-to drink. My body is probably seventy-five percent alcohol by now and my liver seconds away from giving up on me. I haven't made any good decisions since that night so why start now? I needed this. I needed change. I needed to do things I wouldn't normally do. I needed to live.

"You know what, yeah. I'll come. I'll pass on the awkward introductions though" He laughed, nodding in understanding. "I'll just give you my number and you can text me the address. I'll meet you there, I have to unpack some of these boxes."

He agreed. I entered my number into his phone before handing it back to him. He saved it and sent me the address. "Got it." I confirmed as I saved his number to my phone.

"Alright, I better see you later!" He warned playfully glaring at me as he made his way towards the open door.

I laughed, "I'll be there. Close the door on your way out please!"

With a nod and one last wave, he left my apartment, pulling the door shut behind him. I was left with in my semi-lit room surrounded by the soft hum of the AC unit and sealed boxes. I released a heavy sigh as I turn on my Spotify playlist and began unpacking. 



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