Chapter Fifteen

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The rest of the week went by uneventful. I mostly stayed in my apartment, trying my best to avoid Josh and the drama that comes with him. I didn't attend any more parties that week. Instead, I spent my time prepping for my classes. I needed to get ahead of my work to make up for my failed courses if I wanted to graduate next year.

I attended my academic advising session and registered for all my courses. Most of my lectures were in the late morning but some went until late evening which was concerning because I did not enjoy being on campus after dark.

I triple checked my class schedule ensuring that I got all the dates and lecture theaters right. I couldn't risk having any mishaps this semester. Too much was on the line.

I left the apartment early, planning to get some breakfast before my three-hour lecture. I decided to take my car today since my class was in a building on the other side of campus. Walking to class in this kind of hot weather did not sound appealing to me. I was already dressed warm because the lecture rooms are freezing so I would probably get a heat stroke if I had to walk to class.

Of course, luck was never on my side. I got into my car and the engine refused to start. I turned the key repeatedly, my frustration growing with each passing second. My growling stomach was not helping the situation either. I groaned in annoyance, hitting my steering wheel and accidentally blasting the car horn.

"You okay?"

I turned around to see a gorgeous man smiling down at me. His eyes were chocolate brown, a shade or two lighter than his skin and his hair fell around his head in tight curls stopping just above his eyebrows. His right eyebrow and his lip were pierced, the morning sun reflecting against the small hoop in his lip and the studs that laid on either side of his brow. I was so busy admiring his looks that I forgot he had asked me a question. My cheeks reddened in embarrassment, "Yeah, I'm fine. My car won't start."

"I can check it out for you if want" he offered politely to which I agreed, getting out of the car and allowing him to take my place. "I'm Lance by the way" he introduced himself as he tried the ignition again.

"I'm Ivy" I responded, still trying to live down my earlier embarrassment.

"Ivy. I like it." Lance said as he popped the hood of my car, moving to the front to assess the damage. "Looks like your battery needs changing" he announced, closing the hood.

I groaned in annoyance. "Great. I'll have to call a tow for it later. I better get going or I won't have time to get breakfast before my class. It was nice meeting you Lance, thanks again." I all but word vomited as I grabbed my stuff from my car to leave.

"Wait uh- I was just about to go grab a bite before my lecture too. Where are you heading? I could give you a ride if you want. This heat is a killer."

I thought about it for a second. Walk through campus in this hot sun while wearing a sweater and jeans or go with the hottie who was offering me a ride, so I don't have to die from heat exhaustion. The choice was clear.

"That would be great! I hadn't thought about where I was going for breakfast so we can just have whatever you were going to get." I said before realizing how forward it sounded. "I mean- not that we have to eat together or anything I just-" I tried my best to not sound like a creep, but he cut me off before I could finish my rambling.

"I'd love to have breakfast with you" he interrupted, shooting me a huge grin. I smiled back at him, my cheeks warming and not because of the heat from the sun. "Let me just grab my keys." he said as he walked towards one of the apartments on the ground floor. Huh. It didn't even occur to me that he lived here.

As I waited for Lance to come back, I locked my car and decided to check online for mechanics nearby. I looked up when I heard the sound of a door closing thinking it was Lance, but it was from the second floor. It was Josh.

I averted my gaze, hoping that if I pretended that I didn't see him he would pass me by without saying anything. Of course, this was Josh we were talking about, and he couldn't resist an opportunity to harass me.

"Car broke down?" he asked as he approached me.

"Yeah" was all I said, not looking up from my phone.

"Want me to take a look at it? I worked at my dad's shop over the holidays, I could probably get it started for you" he offered. I could see him trailing his hand over the hood in my peripheral.

"I'm good, thanks" I responded dryly.

"Well do you want a ride to class?" he asked.

"I'm good, thanks" I repeated.

He seemed to finally get the hint that I did not want to speak to him, "Okay. Suit yourself". With those parting words, he walked towards his car that was parked on the other side of the lot. I looked up from my phone, watching him as he walked away. His muscles were visibly tense beneath his tight white shirt. I must have annoyed him.

"You ready?" Lance asked as he jogged up to where I was standing.

"Ready" I responded as he led me to his car.

I felt Josh's hot gaze on me as I walked past his car not sparing him a glance as I got into Lance's van. The sensation of his stare on me remained until Lance finally pulled out of the lot.


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