Chapter Nine

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I didn't get any sleep that night.

I stupidly stayed up waiting for Josh to return until the morning sun started peeking through the windows.

When I heard the sound of a trolley being pushed outside, I gathered my stuff and waited for the cleaner. I ignored her judgmental stare as she took in my appearance, clearly hungover and clothed in nothing but an oversized t-shirt. She opened my door for me mumbling something about college students and their newly found freedom.

I thanked her for her help, rushing inside before anyone else in the apartment could see me. I did not need to be the center of any gossip this semester.

I sighed in relief as I closed the door behind me. Last night was very unsuccessful. I couldn't help but think that maybe I should just give up on my little quest. It was as if the universe did not want me to forget about my pain, to move on from Blake, to live my life. It was as though the universe was working against me, trying desperately to push me back into that depressive state I was in after Blake's death. My mind tells me to just isolate myself from everyone because I will never feel anything other than heartbreak and emptiness again.

My mind was partially right. I don't think I'll ever be able to love anyone again, but it was clear that I could still experience the pleasures that life had to offer. I mean sexual pleasures to be clear. The only time I didn't feel sad and lonely was when I was with someone. I know that this is wrong, I know that I was using sex as a crutch to avoid dealing with my emotions, but I rather not confront my past right now. Not when I had a lot of catching up to do this semester. I couldn't risk falling back into depression. I couldn't risk my future. I needed a distraction from my loneliness.

One thing I knew for sure though, I needed to stay away from Josh. Last night was a prime example of why. I shouldn't be around someone who treats me like I'm disposable, much less be involved with them. I should be grateful that we were interrupted last night because God alone knows I would have let him take me right then and there. Just thinking about last night was turning me on but I refused to join his little harem. I'm sure I could find a guy to make me feel just as good as he made me feel last night. That couldn't be too hard, right?


I spent most of the day catching up on my lost sleep. I simply cannot function with no sleep. Another reason I should stay far away from Josh, he made me lose my precious sleep.

I wasn't sure what to do for the rest of the week because classes start next week. I moved into my apartment a week early so I could get settled in, but I managed to get settled in a day. I had nothing to do, nothing to keep me occupied, and it was driving me insane.

I see now why the frat boys were throwing parties every day this week. I've been to two parties so far and both ended with me regretting going. I needed to go out and live my life but was this really living? Partying and drinking every day hoping to momentarily forget my problems and sadness?

The answer is clearly no but here I was again, responding to Jake's text confirming that I would go to the party with him tonight. After ensuring that we would not be going with Josh of course.

I opted for a red dress tonight, wearing matching silk underwear beneath it with my same pair of heels and purse from last night. I was intent on having some fun tonight. I wore a short cold shoulder dress, stopping two inches below my ass, showing off my long legs. I was definitely pulling tonight. I gathered my belongings, ensuring to pick up my keys before going to meet Jake in the parking lot.

"Finally," he complained as I got into his truck. He turned to me, eyeing me from head to toe before whistling, "Definitely worth the wait though. God damn you look hot".

I giggled at his compliment, "Okay, okay, eyes on the road, let's get going".

"Yes ma'am" he responded in mock salute as he drove off.

I couldn't help the excitement bubbling inside me. I felt like tonight was going to be a good night.

We pulled up in front of the house, wasting no time in joining the masses of people already crowding the house. "Okay drinks!" Jake announced, dragging me to the kitchen.

"Hey, hey, you're driving so no alcohol for you." I protested .

"Relax Ivy, I can handle my alcohol" he said as he filled a cup to the brim.


Jake cannot handle his alcohol.

He was currently stripping on a table as he danced to Single Ladies by Beyonce. It was a sight to behold surely. All the girls were going wild as he pulled his shirt off to reveal his perfectly sculpted chest. I was even amazed by how defined his abdominal muscles were. I left when he started pulling his pants down.

I went to the kitchen to get a new drink, having lost my buzz after having to deal with Jake and his drunken antics. I grabbed a bottle off the counter, pouring its contents into a plastic cup, downing the burning liquid in one go. I shook the now emptied bottle in my hand in disappointment. I needed more.

I made my way to the backyard, passing a now naked Jake who was doing the Tony Lopez helicopter for his admiring fans. I breathed in the fresh open air, taking a moment to appreciate the lack of people out here. There were only a few scattered couples making out. My eyes roamed around, scanning the area for any alcohol. I spotted a bottle of gin on the patio table. Not my go-to but it'll have to do. I made a beeline for the bottle, stopping short when a hand grabs it before I could.

I followed the tanned, muscular, tattoo covered arm to come face-to-face with the one person I did not want to see.


He brings the bottle to his lips taking a long and deliberate drink as I look at him in annoyance. I make a grab for the bottle, but he held it out of my reach. "Tough luck sweetheart, this one's mine" another swing from the bottle, "and I don't share" he finished as he dropped onto the couch behind him.

Seeing him on the couch brought memories of last night back. My face instantly went red and hot at the thought as I glanced away from the sight before me. He must have noticed because a smirk crept onto his face, "Thinking about last night, are you?"

I was not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing last night had any effect on me. I willed my face to cool down as I turned back to him, "Yeah, I'm thinking about how glad I am we were interrupted before things escalated. Would have been the biggest regret of my life."

His eyes narrowed at me. "Don't flatter yourself, it wouldn't have gone any further than that." He got up, placing the bottle of gin on the table before walking towards me tantalizingly slowly. He stopped directly in front of me, bending to my level so he could whisper into my ear. His breath was hot on my skin causing all my hairs to raise, "I don't fuck virgins" he whispered before walking past me towards the backdoor.

I stood there dumbfounded at his audacity. I don't fuck virgins. How the fuck does he know my virginity status? I could feel the hot rage bubbling inside my stomach at his audacity. I grabbed the bottle of gin he placed on the patio table, downing all of its remaining continents.

I was going to lose my virginity tonight.



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