Chapter Twelve

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A/N This one is just straight smut so enjoy or skip if you want x 

Also, this might be my last update for the year. Not sure yet, have a lot going on right now with graduation and work but we'll see how it goes. 


Josh wasted no time in pulling the car to the side of the road. We were still on campus, so the roads were abandoned and there was no one around to see. Josh's windows were tinted either way so the possibilities of us being filmed and posted were null.

"Get in the back" he said as he got of the car, moving to the backseat. I followed his lead. The backseat of his car was surprisingly roomy. He reached up front to turn the volume on the radio up, "I somehow feel like you're going to be a noisy one" he said causing my cheeks to redden.

"Shut up" I responded as I grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him away from the radio and planting my lips against his to shut him up.

The second his lips touched mine a fire ignited in my stomach. His hands moved to the back of my neck, adjusting my head so that he could deepen the kiss. His tongue demanded entrance and I obliged happily as I let him take control.

His mouth unsurprisingly tasted of mint again but with undertones of the alcohol he had been drinking. I felt like I was getting drunk off his kiss. It was intoxicating. He kissed like a man making the most of his last hours on earth. Like a man who couldn't get enough. I certainly couldn't.

My hands ran through his short hair, enjoying the feel of it against my palms. It was short but not so short that I couldn't grip it in my hands. Which is exactly what I did as I kissed him back with just as much furiousity that he was kissing me with.

He grunted a low moan into my mouth as I tried desperately to deepen our kiss. I needed to taste more of him. He pulled away, moving to my neck and leaving small hot kissed there as he ran his hand over my soaking underwear. I threw my head back in pure pleasure at the small contact. I was too lost in how good it felt to care about the embarrassment of how wet he was making me.

"Lie down" he said as he released himself from my hold, giving me space so that I could get myself settled on the backseat. I obliged, lying with my legs slightly open to accommodate his body. The space was too small and too cramped as he tried to fit his body into the small space.

He groaned in frustration, opening the door behind him and getting out. I sat up confused as he got into the driver's seat and pulled back onto the road.

I shot up from my position, tugging my dress down feeling extremely embarrassed for some reason. Why'd he stop? "What are you doing?" I asked as he drove with an urgency to get off campus.

"Lie back down and touch yourself." he said as he turned on the light in the car and adjusted his mirror so that he can look at me.

"Wha-what?" I stuttered.

"Do it" he grunted in frustration, "But don't take your panties off, I want to do that".

I looked at him in the mirror, his eyes reflected a storm of hunger and need. A hunger for me I realized. Hie eyes were trailing over my body, his jaw set tight with restraint as he drove at a possibly unsafe speed.

I obeyed his orders. I lie myself on my back before a brilliant idea came to my mind. I was going to drive him crazy. Let's see if I have the same effect on him as he does on me.

I sat back up causing him to groan in frustration. I moved to the middle of the seat directly within view of the mirror so that he wouldn't miss a thing. I watched as his eyes widened as I spread my legs. "Eyes on the road" I said in a low voice, trying my best to sound sexy even though right now my heart was about to leap out of my chest from how anxious I was.

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