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It was a nice warm day in September. I got to school a little early so I could have some extra time with my friends A lot has happened since last October. The beginning of sophomore here and I am damn bound and determined. Things are going to be different this year in every aspect possible.
Last year I was often bullied for being overweight, But something is changed over the summer after I started hanging out with the football team. Once you're in the circle, even if it's not by choice, it sticks. And it's that meant getting the outcast off my back, so be it.

Seven thirty
" Anglin I'm so ready for this year everything is going to change."
" I hope so you need this year to be different."
" Right, I'll have a boyfriend before the end of the year, and then he ain't their thoughts will not stop me for me and happy."
"Oh shit! Slutville here we come."
" Let's not go that far honey Child."

Bill rings at seven fifty five
" See you after school or lunch if we have the same lunch."
" Yup find that man girl." She yelled back running up the steps.

It was a normal day, nothing seemed off. That's right, lunch was third block and thank god Anglin and I both had the same lunch again this year. After grabbing our lunch and finding an empty table away from the loud a**Boys without ourselves and the very back of by the door leading to the outside.

" We got trouble. Party tonight, my house, tell your mom you're staying with me all weekend. Perit's Friday and you are going to love the new guy." She told me.
"Ok have you lost your mind the hell are you talking about." I replied. Oh shit Here we go again. We finished our day as we have been for the last few years. I caught my mom the letter knows the plans for the weekend, Of course she said yes. It's not like her and daughter around much since both of them started working night shift. I hardly see them.

Walking out of the office to meet my ride at the other end of the school. I hit a break wall as soon as I ran on the first Corner. His smell hit my nostrils. As soon as I took a breath, it was not one of my guys. This was different almost intoxicating.

Sandalwood and Patcholi.
He didn't speak a word as I backed away from his chest and that smell that had me hooked already. I looked up, Avery don't stare. I couldn't help it he stood there with a crooked grin on his face, A banana around his head in the most gorgeous, Tam skin I'd say
Im so sorry. I really should watch where I walk. I told him.

Your good sweetheart. Im Mitchell. He said.

Hi, yeah youre new. Im Avery. I really have to see go, see you around. I told him. I walked past him not looking back. I found my way out of the school and into Anglins car. My heart was racing, and I couldnt breathe.

What the hell is wrong with you Avery? she asked.

Lets just go. I told her.

Girl what the fuck. Do you need a cigarette. Josh bugging again or was it my brother. She asked me.

None of the above just go and yes give me a smoke. She handed me one of her menthols without asking anything else and we hit the road to my house so I could grab clothes for the weekend.

6 P.M.

Where are we going and dont lie to me. I was already nervous enough and did not need to run into Mitchell again tonight.

We are headed to a party at a lake house in Shelby. Are you okay? you have been off since

Yes I am fine, and I am well aware of how long I have been acting strange. I told her.

Okay. We finished our makeup and hair and headed out to meet some of the group at our local diner and get some food before the party. It was six forty-five and this place was almost empty. We found a booth near the door, ordered some shakes and talked till people started coming in and filling the diner with noise. The damn place got full fast. I heard the truck before I saw it. Anglin and I looked at each other knowing who it was, and we were right. Why do they have to be here tonight. The whole football team piled into a booth right behind us. We secretly call them The Neanderthals. To say they are overprotective is an understatement when it comes to me. They started as soon as they saw me.

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