Senior Graduation

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Graduation day is tomorrow. Mitchell and I have been running crazy getting everything together, not only for the day but also the after party. My parents approve even though he is two year older than me. They are worried about what will happen once he leaves for college, but they are happy I have let my guard down.

You ready to walk across that stage? I asked.

I am nervous as hell to be honest. He told me.

Ill be there cheering you on from the crowd. I replied.

I know babe. He said. the only thing I was worried about was the after party. The house was always packed, but tonight my two world are going to be together for only the second time since we started dating. Dinner with both our parents, then graduation and the party. However, we just have to make an appearance and then we are off to the room to be alone or so I hope it works out that way.

I have showered, shaved, and dressed. Moving on to makeup and hair. He was ready in seconds. I being a girl take forever for nights like tonight and guys like him cant stand it. I can hear him yelling from downstairs for me to hurry up.

Im coming now. Jesus Mitchell I needed makeup. I yelled back.

Its just dinner Avery, your gorgeous, now lets go. He replied.

Im glad you think so. I am worried about our parents actually sitting together at dinner tonight. I told him.

It will be okay. I promise. Lets go before we are late. You look sexy by the way. He said with a wink. I took his hand and followed him down to the main level of the house and out the door.

I played this scenario out in my head a thousand times and each ending was different. I just had to keep telling myself it was only dinner, and they would get along. Nothing will go wrong tonight. It was a very short ride to the restaurant up town, they were already parked in the double layered lot when we arrived. We all got out of our cars and walked to the sidewalk at the same time. His parents were a little faster than mine and gave us hugs, the four for us walked to the door to meet my parents.

Hey! You both look great. How are you? I said while hugging them.

We are good. My mom replied.

This is Jane and Mic my parents. Dad, Mom, this is Virgil and Alice. Averys parents. Mitchell introduced them. The nice to meet you was very short as we walked into find out table. It was a nice place, big dining room area, beautiful pictures of different flowers, and even a few celebrity autographs. The waitress approached the table to take our order with a very flirty attitude. Something I will have to get use to I guess,

Please do not flirt with my son on front of his girlfriend. His mom said to the girl.

I am so sorry. I thought you were all family. May I take you order or do you need a few minutes. The girl said. He squeezed my hand, and I couldnt help but laugh.

Yes, my wife an di will have the fish with lemon and parsley, baked potatoes, small salad and sweet tea. Mic said.

We will have the roasted chicken, fries, Cole slaw and cokes. Please. My dad told her.

We will have burgers, fries and two strawberry coffees. Me replied. Things were going well, and we are almost ready for dessert. They talked about small things. The laughs were loud, no one mentioned the family business and no questions were asked to push the subject.

Jane did talk me up, how much she loved my personality and that Mitchell had been so much happier since I came into his life. She insured my parents that the parties were never large, loud or without parents or someone over eighteen. They seemed happy with the information they were getting and told them how I had changed since I met Mitchell, how he has been there when I needed him most. However, if we are going to get serious to use protection.

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