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We are head to my house to get me some more clothes. We will be headed out of town Monday and apparently I need nice clothes and a swimsuit. After the fight Friday, I wanted to make damn sure my parents were not home. My face was black on the right side, that is one thing they did not need to see. We were in and out in less than thirty minutes and back on the road. We decided to go get the plans form his parents early so we could find a hotel for two nights and leave tonight just to be out of the house and away from everyone. We both needed to breathe after all the confessions that have come out over the last two days. We drove for five hours over the state line into Georgia to his parents and get a plan in place. They trusted us enough to do this on our own. We needed to prove we could do it without personal shit getting in the way. Going to a high-end hotel means you dress to the nines while you are there, so I slipped in the back seat and rummaged through my bag until I found a black leather skirt, pink silk button up top and my nude high heels. Changed and jumped back up front just in time to get out and walk in. We are meeting at the bar by the lobby and VIP means no ID checks.

They arent here yet. Mitchell said. Hes a little worried. They knew we were coming. He continued walked to a nearby table.

They will be here Mitchell. Dont worry about it. I said as I looked up and they caught my eye. Mitchell, here they come. It took them about five seconds to spot us and their pace picked up. Hello, you two. Avery what happen to your face? His mom asked as she made her way to her seat.

We just came to get the plans for tomorrow mom. Mitchell told her.

No sir, I want to know what happen, She stated.

Sean mother Sean happened. He stole drugs from a client and then decided he was going to pull a jealousy pity party and went after her. Mitchell told her

Excuse me, he what now. His dad asked.

its true. It boiled down to family dominance. I said.

You should have seen her though. I was so proud of her. She beat the piss out of Sean and then played nurse for us both. It was absolutely amazing to watch her. He did say he was sorry, but he is acting strange and that is not good. Mitchell said.

This is not going to be an ongoing issue is it. They asked.

NO! not with us. We responded.

Good we will have a talk with him. He knows better than to hit a female! His mom said that was the end of it. We ordered our food, drinks and dessert. After we had a glass of wine and talked about who Mitchell, and I would be going to meet. They told us we would be going to Texas this time and if everything went well then we would have more runs. Which could lead to us being on the road four days a week sometimes more. I loved the idea, his hand on my thigh, loud music and an open road. Just us no drama and an everyday vacation would be great, and it would make the months fly by until Anglin could get back to town. They told us this was a big important run, and they would add an extra bag for us. Mitchell told her we shouldnt being I dont smoke. They said the offer would stand till we got back.

Actually mom, I havent even had any since we got together. Mitchell said.

I am right here. I can talk for myself. First I smoke weed also. Second stop candy coating shit. Third we might need to take it so other people in the house arent embarrassed when we you know, hide all day in the room some may feel inadequate. I Mitchell nearly chocked when I said what I said. His parents, however, laughed their asses off.

Nope not going there with you Avery. Mitchell said.

You two have a good trip and please be safe. His dad said.

We will. He told them.

In both ways. His mom added.

Mother really, shit we need to stop for at some points for snacks and condoms apparently. Mitchell said with a smirk. I love the fact we dont have to hide anything from them. We are safe most of the time. I have been on birth control for a few months now and we use condoms. Hugs were giving and once again we were on the road. We made a stop in Auburn to get snacks, he was nice enough to let me look around and get some gifts since I am one hundred percent a WAR EAGLE fan. Three pit stops and eight hours later we arrived at our hotel. I was ready for a nap and maybe some sightseeing later. This man never seems to amaze me as we got on the elevator, he closes the doors so no one else could get in, pins me to the wall and lifts my legs and start a make out session. It was a five-floor ride and Mitchell couldnt wait. I quickly figured out why he was acting like this. The problem was he showed me how he felt all the time, but he never told me because he was just as scared as I was.. I pushed him away.

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