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"Yeah...I...I'm better now," he shyly stared at her.

"If you're uncomfortable, then don't look down, just look at me instead."

Her reaction was too abrupt for him to deal with. In addition, this was also the first time Yu Jin had been this close to a girl. His face was blushing because of his shyness. 

"Hey, your face really looks like a tomato now, Yu Jin," she giggled when she saw his face turning crimson, "Did I make you embarrassed or what?"

" didn't. By the way I would rather look at the city, I feel awkward staring at a girl."

"Seriously?" She scoffed, "It's funny that after such a long time living together, you still find it awkward looking at me."

"But the city is gorgeous, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's gorgeous!"

They sat side by side, looking down at the city landscape together. Below the wheel, the Han River glistened like a ribbon of liquid obsidian, adorned by the sparkles mirroring the luminous celestial display above. Along the horizon, the skyscrapers stood upright just like the giant guardians of the city. They could also see the colourful World Cup Bridge spanning the river with its main arch piercing up into the sky. With thousands of LED lights tracing along its cables and supports, it was indeed a beacon of illumination in the midst of the night, creating a captivating play of light and shadow. 

Never before had Yu Jin perceived that Seoul had such a charming beauty. His fear soon disappeared without him noticing it. He wondered which came to his mind first, the vanishing of his fear or the amazement created by the stunning scenery. Was it the realisation of Seoul view's attractiveness that dissipated his phobia, or was it the ease of having Eun Chae sitting next to him that extinguished his fear and enabled him to fully enjoy the spectacular vantage? If the latter was right, then this city was beautiful because that girl was there.


After a week, Yu Jin was invited to a neuroscience conference by one of his father's friends, who was a neurology professor. Despite his hectic schedule, Yu Jin still took the offer as he saw it as a great chance to showcase his talent and make more new connections to the people in the field of biological science.

"Hey, you're going to the neuroscience conference at Yulje Hospital next Friday, aren't you?" Eun Chae asked.

"Yeah, but how do you know?" Yu Jin replied to her with his eyes still staring at the laptop screen. He must be doing something important.

"My best friend is also invited, she had the invitee list. She told me to come there and listen to her speech and I said yes."

"Interesting! I didn't expect that you will have a friend who studies neuroscience. She must have been a very good student in your school right?"

"Yeah, she was my class monitor. Her leadership was excellent and she was damn good at studying too. I am pretty sure she will be very frustrated when she gets an A- for maths or science."

"That sounds as cool as me, I guess," he playfully snickered

"Stop flexing, I know that you're also a top student in your school."

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