Before you start reading...

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Before you all start reading, I want to tell you a few important things, so please take note of them!

Firstly, my story was largely inspired by the light novel "I want to eat you pancreas" by Sumino Yoru. As a result if you have read this light novel before, you will probably find the overall theme and perhaps, some scenes in my story familiar. However, don't worry even if you read that one before because most of my story will be way different from it and I am sure that my story can still keep you engaged. (By the way, if later on, it turns out that you like my story, I highly recommend you to check out that one too^^) 

Secondly, for the second half of the story which involves medical settings, the are a few scenes which are adapted from the K-Drama "Hospital Playlist" which is also one of my favourite series. But don't falter because of that as, just like what I mentioned above, most of my story is going to be very different. In addition, despite having done meticulous fact-checking regarding some hospital scenes, I cannot ensure that I am always correct, so don't hesitate to speak up if you notice anything which seems not so right:>>> 

Finally, thanks for choosing my story and I hope that you will have an enjoyable time reading it. 

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