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So here's the official next chapter of my story. I hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to read the review and vote.

Make sure to read the disclaimer in the prologue chapter. I own nothing, but my crazy imagination...

Chapter 2 captured

The three boys were flying in the rain until they spotted the home of the Powerpuff Girls. They landed on the front lawn to devise a plan for how they were going to spy on the girls.

Brick: Okay boys, here's what we're going to do. We're going to fly up to the window I'm just speaking and spy on the girls to see what they're doing.. once they're not looking will fly in and catch them by surprise

Butch: yeah, and then, what takes them back to the shack and will keep them hostage

The three boys agreed to their plan and gently hoovered up right above, just enough to spy into each of the three windows on top of the house. After trying many windows later, the boys had finally figured out the window that led to the room of the Powerpuff Girls...

The boys immediately felt sick, because the girls' room was the explanation of girly. The room was covered and nothing, but pink surrounded by hearts on all four Walls.. they saw the girls' hotline phone to the left sitting on a stand. The room was filled with light, pink, and dark pink.. on the floor was a heart-shaped rug with letters. PPG. Then they saw the girls' queen-sized bed, which had three pillows and a big comforter, which had three strips of colors.. sky, blue, lime, green, and hot pink.

The bedframe, which is magenta colored, and on the headboard, has a carving of the letters PPG, which stands for Powerpuff girls. Each side of the bed had a table with a lamp.. on the bubble side of the bed was her stuffed octopus and on the left side of the bed were is buttercups special blanket. All of the walls have different photos of the Powerpuff Girls.. they also had a toy chest as well as a closet and a vanity. The room, where is the definition of girly?

Brick: ew disgusting

Butch: boomer, are you sure that this is the Powerpuff Girls house because it looks way too girly for my liking

Boomer just shrugged his shoulders, as if to say yes. The boys just nodded their heads and continued, staring into the windows, just enough for them to see, but hopefully, not enough where the girls would turn their heads to look out the window.. as the boys peaked inside, they saw the three girls sitting on their heart-shaped rug, looking in a picture book.

Blossom: Why don't we look at the new book? I just picked up from the library. It's called the book of fairytales.

Bubble: Ooo I love fairytale books, especially the one with princesses

Buttercup: I love the stories that deal with vampires and big bad wolves and anything to do with violence because I love action

The three girls went to sit on their heart-shaped rug and pick out, which story they would like to read first. They figured that they could use their fairytale book to act out the stories and play pretend.. little did they know that three small figures were watching their every move outside of their window. Unfortunately, for them, Boomer had slipped and stopped floating and almost crashed into the girls' rooms.. if it wasn't for his brothers, catching him on time, the girls would've heard something and gone to Westgate.

Brick: Boomer, are you stupid you almost got a sky, you dummy?

Boomer: Sorry, I almost slipped and fell

But unfortunately, the boys are not whispering enough, because immediately the girls turn their heads to look out the window. After all, they heard something.

Bubbles: Did you guys hear that?

Buttercup: Bubbles, you were just hearing things

Blossom: I don't know Buttercup I heard it too, and I think we need to go and check it out

So the girls put down their book on the rug and immediately floated to their window, only to see their arch-enemies, looking dead at them.

The boys tried their best to fly quickly, but the rain got harder and harder, and it made it not easy for them to fly. Each girl grabbed their counterpart by the legs and pulled them into their house.. buttercup was ready to beat the living daylights out of the boys, but Blossom had other plans for them.

Buttercup: we gave you boys, a good idea to come spying on us, especially on a rainy day. Will you know that there is no crime in Townsville?? Where are you spying on us to see if you can find a weakness to capture us? Don't pretend to lie that you were just coming to visit because we know that you were out to destroy us... You better start explaining yourself now otherwise I will pound you to next week

Brick: What makes you girls think that we wanted to come here?? it was all Boomer's idea

Boomer just liked and was shocked at his brother, because, yes, it was his idea, but he knew that his brother was only using him as a scapegoat into only take the blame.

Butch: we want nothing to do with you, you sissy powder puffs

The girls, of course, were not buying it, and thankfully Bubbles found some jump rope in their closet to tie up the boys. Now that the boys were captured in the Powerpuff Girls house, the girls needed to decide what they were going to do with them.. butter, cup of course, wanted to beat them up because she just loved violence and action. Blossom wanted to question them so much. Tell her we'll probably annoy them, but Bubbles had a better idea.

So here is the next chapter of my story What do you guys think? Bubbles idea is for the boys?? I guess you'll just have to wait until the next chapter to find out so make sure you stay tuned!!

Thanks so much for reading and have a wonderful day

A Puff & Ruff Rainy Day Dream (PPG X RRB)Where stories live. Discover now