She leaves 

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This chapter is going to have a little bit of fluff so yeah

I know nothing, but the story plot line in my imagination

Chapter 14 Bonnie revived

The  Powerpuff Girls had finally woken up out of their comatose state, and the professor in the rowdy Ruff. The boys were happy to see the girls alive and wait... The boys apologized for causing almost the destruction of the Powerpuff Girls, and the girls forgave them... now it is time for the Powerpuff Girls to the professor about Turner long lost younger sister

And now on with the story

The boys went upstairs to the girl's bedroom and got a family tree poster that they had made in kindergarten. They took ever so great care of it and flew back down to the lab.. the girls were able to sit up, but the professor told them not to move too much because they were still injured. The boys had finally come down, holding the poster in their hands and showing different to the professor to see what they all had done...

The professor took a look at the poster and saw him as well as his girls and his newly adopted sons as well as their two creators. Suddenly he noticed a fourth power puff girl on the poster and soon had questions..

Buttercup  Before you even ask Professor we have something to tell you

Blossom  The fourth power, puff girl, you see right there. Where is our sister Barney, unfortunately, she was lost before you could ever meet her.

Bubbles  She was the best sister in the world, and we created her because we felt tired and alone, while trying to fight crime in Townsville and thought we needed more assistance.

The girls soon explained the heartbreaking story of a young Powerpuff, while the boys were intentively, and listened, for they knew of the story of what happened to her before their existence. The professor was intrigued, but also quite disappointed that his girls were coming to his lab without permission or supervision for he knew the dangers inside his library were not meant for young girls like them.. however, he knew that his girls had been grieving for a long time, and they were working up the courage to finally tell him this, so he decided to not pressure the matter any further.

Professor well, I must say girls that I am a bit disappointed in you three for coming into my life without permission or having any supervision. Dealing with chemical exile alone is very dangerous as well as being in my lab period. Also, why didn't you tell me that you girls wanted more help because I could've helped you make with the right ingredients? You girls have suffered through so much that no child should suffer through, and I am happy to help. If you girls ever need me don't be afraid to come. Tell me any problems despite if they are good or bad...

The girls in unison  Where is Surrey, professor

Bubbles we get to see her in our dreams though and she had one final request for us.

The boys resume confused because they were not even aware of this

Blossom  Bunny once as to make her again, so that way we all can be together as a happy family

The professor contemplated what it would be like to have another daughter in the house, but also he knew that he would have another mouth to feed considering that he just adopted the rowdy ruff boys. However, he knew that his girls had suffered enough and decided to fulfill the young power puff's wish.

Professor right girls, but I am going to need your help with this project as well as you with my boys. Now there is a list of ingredients that I am going to need to make her.. I'm going to need sugar and I'm going to need spice and most importantly I'm going to leave everything nice.

Brick went to get the sugar that was located in the highest cabinet in the kitchen. Butch went to go get the spice that was in the drawers by the stove with the salt and pepper shakers, as well as maybe some paprika and cinnamon.. the two boys brought back the two ingredients, and the professor gathered his measuring cups and a loud Boomer to measure the sugar and spice to put it properly in the bowl. Now it is time for the most important ingredient.. everything nice.

Each of the boys and girls went to gather their most possessions items that I thought were nice to them and quickly jumped into the ball. Bubbles took a drawing of her sister and pasted it into the bowl.. blossom placed her favorite teddy bear into the bowl, as well as some packed flowers from the garden. Buttercup took one of her fancy hair bows that she would usually wear to parties and threw it into the mix.. boomer went to the garden and captured a butterfly to put in the bowl. Brick found a few stickers that he got from school and put them into the bowl.. butch decided to take the photo of a bunny that they took in the dream room and put it into the concoction. Don't ask how he was able to get it from the dream world to the real world.. finally, a few more ingredients were added into the bowl, such as each piece of hair from each kid as well as the purple, shredded cloth blossom capture from bunnies explosion.

Now it was time for the most important ingredient in our six kids to step back as the professor carefully added in the chemical. X.

Professor now everyone takes cover

Everyone soon went for a cover into the lab, for there was a great explosion. When the coast was clear, everyone looked up to find that a young girl was standing over the ball.. she had brunette brown hair, pulled into a high ponytail in class together by two purple beads. She had beautiful purple eyes and her signature purple dress with a black stripe in the middle just like the Powerpuff girls.. the young girl also wore white socks and black Mary Jane shoes.

The girls immediately recognized her and went over to hug the long-lost sister, who is now revived forevermore. Thanks to her proper ingredients bunny, which is now fully stabled. The professor also made sure that the rowdy ruff boys were stable as well just in case Mojo or he tried any funny business with any of his kids.. he also boosted the immunity of the Powerpuff girls as well.

The six hugged the bunny in unison, and the young girl was finally able to meet her dad for the very first time. Now that bunny was back in their lives. The house once again had a makeover and the puffs slept together and the giraffes slept in their room, but they would all intentionally have sleepovers in each other's bedrooms now and then...

Bubbles we are so glad you're finally home with us once again and forever this time

Buttercup  Yeah I'm sorry that I was mean to you when we first met and I promise to be a better sister to you

Blossom  we missed you, little sis, I will love you always and forever

Finally, the professor decided that it was time for a new family photo to be taken in front of their home. They all went outside and stood in front of the house and the girls and boys each went into their signature poses. What if the professor was setting up the camera?

Professor  Alright boys and girls say, puff and rough

Everyone in unison  Powerpuff and rowdy ruff

The photo of the family was taken and finally framed to the front of the house, along with the family tree poster that the boys and girls had made at school. And the Powerpuff girls and are ready Red boys as well as the professor and Bonnie were now a big happy family forever more.

A Puff & Ruff Rainy Day Dream (PPG X RRB)Where stories live. Discover now