Ruff nightmares

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So I'm going to be introducing Power Puff Bunny from the classic Power, Puff Girls, 1998. Bunny, however, will not be like the episode in Twisted Sister.. she is owned by the Power Puff Girls fan base, called the Stronger Shine Girls. Bunny is also with the trio containing Power, Puff Bell, and Power Puff Bullet... The bullet is a squirrel that a Powerpuff Girl rescued from being eaten by a hawk in the Powerpuff Girls' classic episodes. She, along with the bell and bunny is owned by the Power Puff girls. Fanbase also known as the Stronger Shine Girls.. technically are not canon to the Powerpuff Girls classic 1998 TV show but Power Puff Bunny did appear in Twisted Sister for a short period.

In the story, however,  the bunny will look like the normal version of the power puff girls. She will have her brown hair, put into a ponytail that has two red beads. I mean purple beads on her ponytail like her ponytail holder.. she will also have her signature purple eyes and wear her purple dress with a black stripe. She will also wear her white socks and black Maryjane shoes.. she will also like normal sizes like the Powerpuff Girls so that would mean the same height as them and just what the Power puff girls look like. I hope that makes sense...

If you guys would like, I will attach two photos of Bunny, so you guys can see the differences but if you already have seen pictures of her online, then you would already know.

Now in this chapter, we will take a look at the dream sequences with the rowdy, Ruff boys, and why they appear at the Power Puff girl's windows later on. Bunny will be playing a part in this chapter so pay attention...

I don't want the power puff girls to be the rowdy Ruff boys. I also don't own Power Puff Bunny... I also do not own any of the fairytale stories that appear in the dream sequences. All characters and content belong to their respectful and rightful owners...

Chapter 7 Dream Sequences Part Two The Ruffs

Narrator The city of Townsville, and everyone has turned in for the night. Parents are getting their children ready for bed for a night of sweet dreams.. even the Powerpuff Girls are having interesting dreams tonight but first, let's go check in on the other side of town.

The boy's head flew off into the night and passed Mojo. Jojo's observatory... Little did they know that a circuit green monkey was watching their every move through his telescope.

Mojo Jojo so it looks like the rowdy Ruff boys have been doodling with Powerpuff Girls. And the Power Puff girls, happy friends of the rowdy Ruff boys.. could this be part of the plan to destroy the Power Puff girls once and for all? But wait... Why would the boys have smiles on their faces?? Maybe these two are part of the plan. I am Mojo. Jojo must call the code parent of them in which the parrot is an evil red lobster with a flatscreen TV.. the evil parent that I must share custody with for the boys.

Mojo Jojo quickly grabbed his phone and called the layer of the devil himself.

Him Hello mojo Jojo what can I do for you?

Mojo Jojo, I could ask you the same thing. Why have the boys been so strange lately?

Him that is only for me to know, and for you to never find out. After all, it is your fault for the reason why the boys had decided to leave us, even though they are too young to live on their own.

Mojo my fault... I'm a better parent than you are... You were the reason why the boys had decided to leave us.

Neither of the villains wanted to admit that they were the reason why the rowdy Ruff boys never wanted to stay with either of them. The boys had thought of him and Mojo only to be parents who didn't care for their kids.. they would only use the boys to do evil destruction and the boys could never have fun. The boys only knew the life of destruction and how to have fun and destructive ways...

A Puff & Ruff Rainy Day Dream (PPG X RRB)Where stories live. Discover now