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Chapter 15 epilogue

The city of Townsville, where everyone is now getting ready for bed, and turning in for the evening. Children are getting ready for another night of sweet dreams as they will have to go and face the fear of school the next morning... parents are also getting ready for bed to return to another day of hard work. We come to the home of the Powerpuff Girls and the rowdy ruff boys as they're also getting ready for bed...

The boys and girls had decided to have a sleepover that evening in their new room with their new family. They all decided to share the bed of the Powerpuff Girls, instead of the boys, bringing in their sleeping bags from their other room.. the girls' room got a hint of a newer makeover now adding purple into the mix of colors.

The seven kids were having a dance party until the professor called him to get ready for bed. After brushing their teeth and putting on their pajamas and getting ready for another day of fun. The boys and girls have now decided to get comfortable in the bed, a king-size bed at the professor's headboard to fit his for girls...

Bunny was put in the middle and her three sisters were located on her left side. Blossom was next to her, followed by bubbles and buttercup on the edge.. to the left of her, I mean, the right of her were the rowdy ruff boys who had come in to join them for the evening.  Brick is beside her, followed by butch and Boomer at the end...

Finally, the professor came in to read them, one more story from their fairytale book, called The Land of Oz. By the time he had finished his seven children, we were now fast asleep and drifting off into dreamland to once again, have many more adventures...

Suddenly the world began to swim around longer and longer and longer until boom

The city of Townsville... And it's raining. Children are indoors because it's raining.. the grown-ups are at their workplaces or are sitting at home because it's raining. No cars are roaming down the streets because it's raining.. runaway little animals because it's raining. Even for our young Hair wins the Powerpuff Girls, it's raining...

Add the Powerpuff home

The girls decided to have an afternoon nap until they all woke up in fright and insured. All three of them seem to be waking up from the same dream or nightmare...

Blossom, I had a dream that the rally Ratboys became good, and we became a family

Buttercup  Yeah like that will ever happen. Although I have the same dream as the dad, #DATA, good, then try to destroy us again as well as the mayor and Ms. C Bellon, making them heroes of Townsville, along with us all, because they destroyed a monster and say does...

Bubbles I dreamed that we played pretend with the rowdy rap boys and we got to play dress up as characters from my fairytale book we borrowed from the library. Also, I had a dream about our younger sister Bunny and we revived her and we became a happy family...

The girls soon fell into sadness as they remembered their youngest sister that soon was forgotten for they just tried to live their normal lives.

Meanwhile, across town

The rowdy ruff boys were also in fuzzies shark because it was raining, so they couldn't do any type of destruction and they were bored out of their minds. After eating some of their leftover stash and playing video games. The boys had also decided to take a nap but only to be awakened by the strangest dream and nightmare...

Boomer hey guys, did you have that freaky dream too or was it just me?

Butch, I had a dream that we became good, and now we became heroes of Townsville. Then we got captured by the Powerpuff. Girls are forced to play dress up with them and enjoy it.. then apparently they have a younger sister who died and we revived her and we almost destroyed the girls and cared for them.

Boomer yeah that was the craziest dream I've ever had

Brick just stared up into space and thought because he also had the same dream as his brothers, but didn't want to admit the fact that it could've been real and it could've been just a nightmare. He decided to just shrug it off and figure out what they could do for the day to succumb to their boredom...

Brick well you can talk about your crazy dreams later. Bye for now let's see what we can do today

Boomer how about we go spy on the Powerpuff Girls and see what their weaknesses are so we can destroy them the next time we see them

His two brothers, at first, I was giving him a look, as if to say that was the dumbest idea you ever came up with. But then they had second thoughts, and thought that maybe it was a good idea.. and with that, the three boys took off from their shag to go and spy on the Powerpuff girls to once again, find a way to destroy them.

Matilda, the Powerpuff girls, or the rowdy ruff boys know that a certain young person was sitting on her cloud in heaven, watching everything.

Bunny well, I guess it will be a dream come true after all.

And with that, the young purple-eyed path flew away back into heaven and rested on her cloud to watch everything unfold.

Well there, you have it, everyone. I hope you all enjoy the story Let me know where and if fanfiction ideas you guys would like me to do next... I have a few in mind and they might either be one shot or dribbles or another fanfiction story. But you guys let me know what you want to read next, and I might be posting on FanFiction.Net eventually...

So make sure you stay tuned if I do post on FanFiction.Net, then I'll let you guys know. I will say that I am now back in college and updates on stories will become slower if I do plan to decide to write anymore... I'm loving Powerpuff Girl fanfiction right now, and I might do more with Barney and Bliss and more chapters later.

I will mainly try to stick to Canon from the 2016 reboot as well as the classics and not try to use any of the fan base power, paths, or rally Ralphs. But I hope you guys enjoy the story and don't forget to vote in the review...

Thank you all so much for reading and happy Friday my lovelies !!

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