chapter 2 nightmare

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Annabeth pov

dreams, why did it have to be dreams. 

Annabeth was standing in tartarus at the doors of death. Damasen was riding his drake, distracting tartarus. Bob was wrestling a whole flock of cyclops and "not so'' small bob is going fang to fang with a pack of hellhounds.

"Annabeth get inside the doors'' percy yells at annabeth" no " she yells back " annabeth bob and damasen cant hold off the monster forever, get in". "no you go in '' she yells, tears start to form. "I can't do that Annabeth, my mom taught me that a boyfriend should hold the doors for his girlfriend." he says with a smile tho she could see tears in his eyes." your making jokes now seaweed brain" she yells back, but she can't help but smiling even though she is also crying. 

he goes forward and puts his hands around her face" promise me that you hold the doors close when you go up" he says to her" but percy..","promise","but.." he leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth." I promise" 

he lets go of her face and pushes her into the doors and presses the button. Before the doors close, Annabeth can hear him say '' I love you Ann...". 

"percy no!" She yells and tries to run out but the doors are already closed. The journey up is just a big blur, but she remembers crying and that she promises to keep the doors closed. 

Then the dream changed. She was standing on a ledge in the cave of Arachne but there was no spider or statue and the roof was missing so the sunshine lit up the room. "what a shame" a female voice said, sounded like the voice came from all around the cave, then one of the walls shook and a face appeared in it. Gaea'' i would have prefordet to have you and his blood to awaken me, but he belongs to me dear husband now and i think he will put him to good use" the hole cavern shock and collapse and annabeth woke up screaming "percy!!!". 

she was panting, trembling and cold sweet covert her body. She could weakley hear someone calling her name but all she could do was stare straight ahead. Then she felt someone touching her arm and she retreated back. 

she looked over and saw Piper and she immediately hugged her'' oh gods i dreamt.. never mind it's so good to see you, where is percy". Piper pushes Annabeth away and puts her hands on her shoulders'' 

Annabeth he... uhh... you wear the only... I'm so sorry". Annabeth looks into her eyes and understands" no " she whispers and collapses into Piper's shoulders and starts sobbing. 

out of the corner of her eye she notices the others waking in, but she feels Piper nod her head and they walk out. then she puts her mouth to her ear and whispers" it's going to be alright just let it all out" and she does. 

She doesn't know how long she is crying but she does it until she has no more tears. When she has stopped crying Piper says to her " c'mon lets get you cleaned up " annabeth looks down at herself and notices that she is right her clothes are half torn and there is monster dust and blood over it and she has bandages over her wounds. 

Piper helps her out of bed and walks her over to the bathroom." there are some fresh clothes in there and i will be out here if you need me". she walks in and strips out of her clothes and goes into the new ones, she doesn't take a bath she doesn't wanna be near water right now. 

she walks out and Piper is still standing there, she then notices that her hair and skin is still dirty and asked" why didn't you..." she stops herself and says " never mind you can take a bath later. let's go outside and get some fresh air". 

They walk up the steps past the mess hall where the others are sitting, but they walk past them and outside. the sun is in the middle of the sky with no clouds, there is a river flowing nearby and the athena parthenos standing nearby.

" Where are we? "Annabeth asked " Greece outside the house of hades'' how long were we..." she stops talking for a minute then starts again" down there". " about 9 days for us, but time might work differently down there". 

she looks over at the athena parthenos and says in an angry voice" what's that doing here". '' Nico and Reyna said they know how to get it back to america, wanna go inside and hear the plan'' Piper says. 

"I will be there in a minute," she replies. Piper puts her hand on Annabeth's shoulders and says " You don't have to be alone". " I know but right now I want to be ''. " okay" and Piper walks inside. 

Annabeth goes over to the statue and looks up at it. It looks just like she remembers, 40 feet tall ivory skin gold tunic holding nike in one hand and a spear in the other with a shield and snake at her side. 

she starts to talk to it in a angry voice " are you happy now mother, does this please you, i mean this is what you wanted your precious statue liberated and percy dead that's what you said kill all the romans are pleased with me i'm a worthy to be your daughter again" the statue do not replie. 

" ANSWER ME !!!" Annabeth yells at the statue, still nothing. " I would say burn in tartarus but that's too nice for you, believe me". 

"you're talking to a statue, you do know that '' said a voice from behind. Annabeth spins around to see nico di angelo. Annabeth walks straight forward and punches him in the face. 

Nico spits some blood on the ground and touches his face. " I deserved that one," Nico says. " you knew he was in camp jupiter and didn't tell me, you knew camp jupiter existed and didn't tell me!!!" Annabeth yelled at Nico .

" i know annabeth but please forgive me i had my reasons" nico says." you hated him!!!" Annabeth yelled. "No I didn't," Nico replied. " Yes you did, you blamed him for your sister's death, '' Annabeth said. "I didn't hate him, I had a crush on him," Nico said back.

 Annabeth stayed silent for a moment then she said " wh..what". " I've had a crush on ever since you saved me from westover hall". Annabeth's mind was racing, she could have said a lot of things like " you're a boy" or "you're so young" but all she said was " how". 

Nico made a small chuckle " how could I not, you should know you dated him, that's why I acted the way i didnt when you were around i was jealous". " Who else knows?" Annabeth asked. "only Jason and he wont tell and i appreciate it if you didn't either. I'm not ready for the others to know ". 

" of course " annabeth replied. Then she thought of another question she wanted to ask " is he really dead?" she said " i mean you can sense that kind of thing right". Nico looked thought fuld for a moment, then said " I'm sorry Annabeth but yes". 

Annabeth felt like she wanted to cry again but said " you can bring him back right, I mean you tried to do it with Bianca ''. nico just sighed and shook his head " he woden have wanted that annabeth if i brought him back someone else had to die and he woden want that besides after the hole doors of death incident my father will probably make a no resurrection rule". 

Annabeth knew he was right, Percy would not do that. "com on" Nico said "let's not make his death pointless". Annabeth turned around and gave the athena parthenos one last hateful look and then walk back to the argo 2.

A/N pls leave a coment

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