Chapter 37

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Next day Phu went to the hospital to do some tests and check up. While the doctor performing the check up Phu told the symptoms and asked what is the cause?

Noah: Well, Vampire's pregnancy is the worst to be honest. I don't want to lie to you so I'm straightforwardly telling you what the symptoms and general issues might happen.

Phu Just nodded and asked him to go on.

Noah: First symptoms: you feel nauseous even if you drink water, since you are pure blood you don't feel tired but you might feel the uneasiness the whole day. After the 5th month you feel all this ten times worse than now. And in the 5th month you felt the movements of the babies every single minute. What makes this pregnancy harder for you because it's Quadruplets. All these time everyone had one baby at a time and their baby movements were hardly bearable. Now it's 4 babies so the possibility of premature birth is higher and the baby's movements will be harder for you.

After hearing everything Phu went into deep thinking about the possibilities.

Phu: Doctor, please don't tell all these to my parents or any of my family members. You can tell this to my husband and in-laws but not my parents. They are already worried so much. What you said about the symptoms will happen and I am ready to face it. But I don't want my parents to see the symptoms I am going to go through. Please…….
And I am sure at the end of this everything will be alright and my babies will be safely delivered to this Ambro.


Phu was literally begging by holding hands together in front of him before bowing a little.

Noah: Prince you don't have to do that. I understand what you were trying to say and don't worry I will not tell this to your parents but I will give a detailed explanation about all things to the King, Queen, elders and your husband.

Phu: Thank you so much Doctor. Thank you.

Noah: Okay then, there is a need to take a few more tests.

Phu: Okay doctor.

After an hour the doctor told OhmNon and Pat about the normal symptoms and the medication to take.

Ohm: Are you sure this is all the symptoms he is going to face?

Noah: Yes and I gave a few medications which will help to reduce the symptoms.

Non: Oh okay doctor.

Ohm was still worried but he hoped the medication will help his son.

Four of them left the room and a few minutes later MikePatricia and elders came to get the detailed explanation of the symptoms for quadruplets.

Noah: And this is the original medication for Phu. Make sure there will be someone to take care of him 24/7.

Mike: Sure doctor.

Ambrosia: About Premature birth?

Noah: Higher possibility to happen but to prevent it you all should be careful and not let him get out of the room till babies birth. Make him happy. He should not be depressed at all. As far as I see Phu is a mentally strong person, but you still give more importance to his mental stability during pregnancy.

Mike: Okay doctor. Thank you so much.
That day Phu's brothers and family members came to see him. They spent a few hours before going back to their respective packs. Phu was on his bed the whole day so he was bored but couldn't walk because the Doctor strictly told him to not get down unless it's necessary.

Pat: Phu, are you okay?

Phu: Hmm……….I am fine nong. Why did you suddenly ask me?

Pat: You look like you are in deep thought and your face looks sad. Do you want to say anything P'?

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