Chapter 46

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Ben: I want to tell you all something

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Ben: I want to tell you all something.

Ohm: What is it, baby?

Ben: About the AWF process, I want them to use the egg inside of me and give birth to a child by myself.


Non: But baby, it is dangerous that no one uses that process.

Ben: I talked with a few doctors and researchers about this. They do not approve of this at first. But I used my powers to see their past research by myself and told them what mistakes they made when they experimented on the Alpha who is also a scientist. It didn't happen because the egg size and the person who is going to bear the egg can't handle it. So this time if we do this correctly I can give birth to a child without any problem.

Mew: But baby are you sure there will be no side effects because of this.

Ben: There is.

Gulf: Then why are you……

Ben: I needed to give birth to a child. And for that I have to take a few nutrient shots and have a proper weight gain diet to make it successful. I am sure this will work.

Non: Baby please don't risk yourself.

Ohm: We will go with the AWF process.

Ben: I want to feel my baby inside me Dad. I didn't want to worry about my baby all the time until the institution call me to get the baby. I can only visit the institution to see my baby growing one time a day. But I want to take care of my baby all the time. I want to see the growth 24/7. Not a few minutes a day. I don't know how some couples go through it. And some children died inside the artificial womb itself without care. Even though the institution says they monitor baby growth all the time but if they miss a few minutes to not check the nutrients supply then the baby will not have a full growth.

Gulf: I am sure they will take care of the baby. AWF is the first and best institution for making a baby.

Supanut: I heard a few mistakes happened but they have the utmost care given to babies. I am sure nowadays they have improved a lot.

Ben: Why don't you understand? I want to take care of my baby myself. I am worried if something happened to my baby like P'Niran.

Ben said those words and realized what he said before looking at his Papa.

Ben: Papa!! I am sorry I didn't mean…….

Non: You know???

Ben nodded a little.

Ben: When P'Niran was in Coma I got to see his past and saw the moment P and you two were talking about…….

Ben saw his Papa looked down and frowned. Non looked nervous so Ben went closer to him before hugging.

Ben: Papa please it's past. I am sorry Papa. I was so emotional and frustrated that something would happen to my baby if we go for AWF because………

Mew: What is it, Ben? Is there something you know about the institution?

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