Chapter 44

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Gawin leaning over on his mate's chest and enjoying the moonlight

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Gawin leaning over on his mate's chest and enjoying the moonlight.

Gawin: P' I want to show you something.

Lee: I thought the surprises ended.

Gawin: Well, you will get to know it soon. Before that, close your eyes.

Lee: Okay.

Lee closed his eyes and Gawin made him stand up by holding him in his waist. He guided him to the place where he wanted to take Lee.

He let go of his hold and walked a little far from him.

Gawin: Now open your eyes P'.

Gawin: Now open your eyes P'

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Lee opened his eyes and saw the round transparent tent in front of him

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Lee opened his eyes and saw the round transparent tent in front of him. He saw dinner set up on the thick blanket which was spread on top of the grass. It was organized outside of the tent with candle light and flowers spread around.

Lee: This looks elegant. I love it. Thank you so much my tall puppy.

Lee said and kissed on his lips.

Gawin was so happy to see his love, liked his arrangements.

Both sat on the blanket and enjoyed the dinner with the Moon and chill breeze.

After dinner they blew all the candles and went inside the tent. They lied on the mattress and started cuddling.

Warning: 18+ content ahead ⚠️

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