3. Money or weapon.

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Tord's POV

"So, what are we going to do now?" Patryk asked while sipping his coffee from his skull shaped cup. "We are going to sell it of course! what did you think?" Paul replied while pouring more coffee to his dragon heart shaped cup. "10 000 000! Imagine all the things you could do with that amount of gold." He continued cheerfully. However, for some reason I was not happy.

The further the conversation went the less I paid attention to it. I leaned to my palm and stared at my dragon skull cup as the dark brown liquid full of caffeine spinned around my skeleton spoon. The clinking sound that it made when the spoon hit the cup's walls drowned me into my thoughts, as some anonymous odd feeling punched my stomach. The hollow thought of me getting that amount of money was absurd. Wasn't I supposed to be happy? I won, finally. I won the jackpot. But, what would I do with the gold? I don't know anymore.

"Tord!!" I winced slightly for Paul's call out. "Hm!?" I corrected my posture and sipped my now coldened coffee. "Ewwwh, It's cold." I shook my head as I passed the cup to the side. "Oh, yeah you called." I sighed and raised my gaze to Paul and Patryk who were seated across the dark black table. "You weren't listening, were you?" Paul muttered as he tapped his index finger to the glass topping that protected the table. "You were thinking of something." Patryk continued as he put his empty cup to the side.

"You two know me too well." I nodded. "We sure do." Paul agreed and stood up. "So, what's on your mind?" Patryk asked with his familiar motherly tone. "It's just...Ugh" I paused for a second so I could collect all the words that popped to my mind. "I don't know what I wanna do with him. I mean... I'm not sure if I want to sell him anymore." I tried to explain.

To my surprise, Patryk did not look surprised at all but Paul on the other hand was in complete shock. "I knew it." Patryk chuckled as he stood up. "The way you looked at it in the cave proved my guess right." Patryk said proudly. "Can you call him by him and he pronouns? He is not an animal." I started to tap my right foot threateningly to the floor. "Well he is not completely human eather but sure if you say so." He noted. "Anyhow, I knew you wouldn't let go so easily. You have been hunting him down for a good time now. It wouldn't be like you to just give him to someone else right away." Patryk continued as he patted my shoulder.

"But what about the gold!" Paul exclaimed. "Where will we get our money if our only income is gone?" His voice started to get a bit taut as he started talking faster as he usually does. "Calm down Paul. I got this. I will tame him faster than you get the dishes done. He will be wrapped around my pinky without a problem." I hid my grin under my hand and stood up. "He will be our ultimate weapon. When we have him, we will take over Stardie without a doubt. I will make sure of it."

Paul and Patryk looked at each other for a second before Patryk opened his mouth. "If you say so, please." He looked at me a little desperate as he took a thigh grip off my shoulder. "Remember what we said to you yesterday. Don't be so hard on him." He continued while rubbing my shoulder. "Depends how he behaves." I rolled my eyes and turned my back to the two soldiers. "Be careful, you don't know shit about it and what it can do." Paul mentioned, before I went out. "What an imbecile. Of course I know how to handle dragons." I rolled my eyes again.

The grass watered by rain got my shoes wet as I walked closer to the little stone building. I hummed joyfully to myself as I opened the heavily locked door. I threw the iron chains to the ground and pushed the creaking door open. "Wakey, wakey monster." I turned on the oil lamp next to the doors. The building had just one dim, damp and abandoned room. Back then we used to use this as a warehouse but we found few rats here so it was not really hygienic anymore.

From the darkest corner I heard the rattle of chains hitting each other. "How do you feel?" I picked the oil lamp up and walked to the corner where the dragon man was. "Fucking guess." The man growled as his horns started to glow. The dim blue light showed me his angry face. "What an attitude you have." I chuckled and bent down to face him. "What a punchable face you have." He spat as he tried to kick me. "Easy there, I can take those off if you play nicely." I smirked and sat beside him. "What do you even want? Fucking kidnapper." He started to struggle immediately after I sat on the cold stone floor. "To know you." I hummed and stared at his black obsidian eyes. They were so unique and captivating that I could stare at them for hours.

"Well that's not creepy at all." He said sarcastically as he turned his back to me. "Do you have a name? Or am I just gonna call you Midnight Pearl?" As soon as I finished my sentence His other ear twitched a bit. He turned his head inhumanly 180 degrees to face me as he showed me his deadly claws. "What did you just call me?" He growled. "A Midnight Pearl. It has been your name for the past 3 years. I saw you for the first time when I was in a cell. You flew against the full moon. It reminded me of a pearl and you remind me of midnight so that's how I came up with that name." I explained as I kept on my social mask.

"So you are a stalker. How awesome. Disgusting." He hissed and turned his back to the wall again. "Stop calling me that. My name is Tom." He spat as he tried to correct his posture. "I like your name." I gave him a fake smile while I started to reach out his tail. It looked so strong that I almost wanted to make a hand armor of it. "My name is Tord but you will call me either boss or sir." As my hand started to get closer to his tail Tom turned his head to face me. "Did I ask? And what the hell do you think you are doing?" Tom showed me his white teeth's as a warning to back off.

I didn't want to anger him too much so I backed up. I tried to be friendly first so he would soften a bit. Then he would be way more easier to crush. 'If you want to make people stay by your side forever, you just have to give them the right amount of attention and praise them so they won't leave you or stick a knife down in your back when you start using them.' That's what dad taught me. And it has worked so far perfectly.

I shook my head and focused on the angry man in front of me. "You stink a bit, you know that, right?" I chuckled and stood up. "I will rip your mouth open if you won't stop making that annoying face." He clenched his jaw. "And what did you expect? I have lived my whole life as a wild creature? Until you decided to fuck my life and freedom up. Thanks to you, I'm no longer free." He held back his anger but I could see how his body shakes as it fills itself with adrenaline.

"Well, at least I'm not gonna sell you like a sheep. You should be thankful for that." I started stretching my arms before I would set this man free from the chains. Well, for a while. "You should be thankful that I don't have the energy to tear you apart." He gnarl back. "What a stubborn creature you are." I hummed as I started to unlock his chains. "I'm a regular dragon. I don't understand why you are so obsessed with me." Tom spat. "I have never seen a dragon who could talk or change its form." I explained and threw his chains to the floor. "And don't even think about esca-" I wasn't even able to finish my sentence when I felt sharp and tingling pain in my face. Thankfully I managed to shut my eyes before Tom's pointy claws scratched the right side of my face. I felt how his rough nails sank to my cold skin making it warm by staining my own thick blood to my cheeks. The sudden pain caused me to yelp and back up a few steps. "You are not the only one who can act." He said as he spurted to the door. He opened it and locked it after him. "HEY!!" I screamed and ran to the door blindly but it was too late. He chained the door and flew away.

"Damn it!!!" I shouted and punched the door. My face felt like it was burning and It was hard to open my right eye. "Huh...?" My hands shaked visibly. My own blood was dripping down on my face. It left red stains on my brand new t-shirt. I tried to touch the wounds to figure out how deep they were but I couldn't. It burned way too much. "Ugh...So... this karma...?" I groaned and continued punching the door.

No effect.

"How about this then?" I slammed my whip twice to the door, breaking it easily. The room filled itself with the bright light of the sun as I stepped out of it. It was way too bright for my injured eye. My vision started to get blurry as I felt how my right eye started to bleed. "That son of a bitch..." I gritted my teeth.

"THE MIDNIGHT PEARL HAS ESCAPED!!! EVERYBODY, LOOK OUT FOR HIM!!! HUNT HIM DOWN!! HARM HIM ALL YOU WANT BUT DON'T LET THAT SNAKE DIE!... That would be too easy." I proclaimed and watched as all my soldiers went to the forest. "I will find you, Tom..." 

Sorry for the short chapter qwq. I'm trying to draw Tom's human form and it's super hard I don't want to mess it up.

Okay so did you liked this chapter? I hope so. Anyways I hope you had a wonderful day and you will come back next week. 

Bye my little strawberries. 

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