17. He was a kid too.

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Tom's POV

Mushy sweet fruits slided down my throat while the wind hit my pale face. Billy was sleeping warmly and comfortably in our little shelter, with a tummy full of fruits. However, I wouldn't say the same for us. The weather started getting chilly. Which caused the fire to sizzle as the raindrops started to fall from the endless dark sky. "Should we move to the cave?" Tord's calm voice relaxed me as the tears of sky dripped down my cheeks. "I guess so." I sighed and stood up lazily.

The atmosphere was melancholic like something big was about to end, something sad was about to happen. I sniffed the misty air one last time before I walked inside the cave, Tord following me. As the darkness swallowed us to its desolate clinch, I realized that the air smelled like eternal rest. Somewhere, death must have come to visit someone again...

"I hope the heaven's gates will open to those who will take their last breath tonight." Those words that escaped from my mouth felt so incredibly heavy, that it felt like I was about to throw up all my guts right then and there. "Oh poor Tom, all of us are going to die. All the good people will go to hell because God is brutal. He is narcissistic. It's all about me me me. If you don't follow my orders you will go to hell and burn forever. Blah blah blah." Tord rolled his eyes as he sat down. "That sounds familiar." I coughed and sat beside him. "Did you just refer me to God?" Tord started to laugh his careless laugh while he took me under his arm. "That's sweet, please continue." He demanded. "You are more like the snake that made Eve commit the first sin." I crushed the spirit and pushed Tord back down. "Not even Satan? How sad." Tord's smile turned upside down while he pushed his red perfect looking lips out.

"Yeah fuck off mate, I'm going to sleep." I turned my back rudely at him and crawled to a fetal position "Thx for letting me know, do you want me to sing you a lullaby or something?" He sniggered sarcastically while he brushed my shoulder teasingly. "Oh my god, I hate you so much." I grunted. Why did he have to be like that again? "Hate me as much as you please." He smirked before he let me be.

Evening changed to night, when I suddenly heard something strange that woke me up. It was sniffing... For some reason, I couldn't even explain myself. Maybe it was because I was tired and I just wanted to continue my dream but the first thing that popped to my mind was the question: Would Tord be okay? So I nervously turned around just to feel how something was grabbing my wing. "The hell? Let me go you fuck head!" I hissed sharply while I forced myself to turn towards him.

Finally I managed to see the familiar monster next to me. Grabbing my wing like it was the last thing he would ever be able to touch. "What are you doing?" I tried to get away from his grip but the more I struggled, the tighter his grip got. Before I was about to scream I noticed a shiny little trail of tears from his cheeks. "Bad dream huh? Haven't seen you sleep before..." I mumbled.

His peaceful looking face pressed against a rock. His body shook like a scared animal as he whined. "W-w-w-why?..." He whispered with a heartbroken voice. His begging stopped my heart beating for a few seconds. I couldn't believe my eyes, nor to my ears. He was more like a little boy who was scared that his parents wouldn't give him his favorite toy back. "I- It wasn't me!" He sob as he squeezed my wing. Somehow, I felt bad for him, but at the same time, I just wanted to make him pay for his actions...

.......Maybe he really had good intentions, he just couldn't show it.

I shook my head and noticed how my hand had started rubbing Tord's surprisingly soft hair. Looking at him was like a hypnosis. I just couldn't resist even though I hated it. I hated him so much but yet I still idolized and worshiped him like a slave. What a fool was I? Blindfolded by the honeyed stories and promises. They were just words. Empty ones. Yet I still decided to follow this path even though, the future I would despise me, by making that decision. "What have you done to me?" I sighed. "I didn't want to be friends with you..." I added.

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