Chapter 1|Shocking Experience

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Chapter 1 Act 1 : Shocking Experience


I waltzed into the art room nearby to find Paintbrush and Lightbulb as well as Paper just chatting, "No, Lightbulb! You cannot just put glitter on a painting and call it art!"

Lightbulb grunted, "You totally could if you actually had literal ART EXPERIENCE! >:("

"Lightbulb, you are sorta... talking to The Ultimate Artist..." Paper butted in

 Paintbrush's smirk grew and Lightbulb frowned, "Aw, I guess you're right... Well, whatever! Glitter Art is MY ART! So you can both go screw yourselves! >:D"

Paintbrush sighed, looking towards Paper for some advice on the matter, she just shrugged, "What are you all up to now?"

Paintbrush looked at me standing in the doorway of the Art Room, "If these are our last days together we may as well enjoy them, so today we are painting!"

I tilted my head, "Together? You all knew each other before?"

Lightbulb chuckled, "Me and Painty did! Paper is just a nice addition to the, now, trio! ^^"

"Yeah, me and Lightbulb have been best friends ever since 4th grade! We haven't separated since!" Paintbrush added, giving a small grin to Lightbulb

I smile at both of them, they look so happy, and then it turns into a frown... They could see the other die here, however, I ignored that sadness, "That's nice!"

I saw Paper gloss over at a palette knife, which made me shudder a bit, but I'm sure it's probably because she wants to paint! Yea! ...Yea...

However my anxiety got the better of me, I asked, "Paper.. What are you doing?"

Both Paintbrush and Lightbulb looked over at Paper to see her just staring at the palette knife, "? OH! Sorry! I just really wanted to paint, I can tell how bad it looks haha!"

All three of us were a bit nervous, Lightbulb seemed to loosen up a bit, "Yeah, but don't worry, I'm also super excited to do MY FORM OF ART! U^U"

Paintbrush laughs a bit and walks over to the easel and then they begin working on the painting that they were originally working on, they gesture for me to come over, and thinking it over I say, "No thank you, not much of a painter, ya know?"

Paintbrush nods and begins to paint again, the other two looking everywhere for paints, glitters, and other materials that they could possibly squish into their paintings

I walk out of the Art Room, only to bump into Balloon, "Oh hey man! What's up?"

Balloon smirks, "The ceiling?" 

I rolled my eyes, "Really, a dad joke, what are you? 45?"

Balloon giggles, "I'm better at jokes than you!"

I scoff, "Well obviously, you are good at what you are, idiot!"

Balloon gasps, "How dare you!"

We both pause, before laughing, "Man, you are a good friend Nickel!"

I smiled at the compliment, before looking up at the clock that was on our phones, "We should probably head over to the cafeteria, it's nearly dinner,"

Balloon shakes his head, "I'm probably not going to eat dinner, at least not right now.." Balloon looks directly at me, "Hey, can you bring a plate of whatever dinner is to my room, it's right by the Left Wing of The Gym,"

"Downstairs bedroom?" I ask, he nods in response, "Please?"

I sigh, "Yea sure, just don't die on me alright?"

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