The Horse.

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✧*̥˚ Rook's Point of View *̥˚✧

"So, do you understand why you're here?" I asked, looking at Horse 1,

Horse 1 rolled their eyes, "Yeah, you need someone to join your company, right?"

"Yes, and you are a renowned murderer in your own right, figured you would be best,"

Horse 1 smiled, "Oh, really? If I said no right now, you couldn't do shit right?"

I nod, "Yes, you have amazing skill, being able to get away with everything you do, even with everyone knowing in your hometown that you are the one causing the disappearances and murders of others in their town, it's a wonder,"

Horse 1 laughed, "Oh, please! I'm not that skillful! Most of it is just luck that people are so terrified of me!"

I began taking out some papers, "Yes, and yet everyone outside your hometown doesn't know it's you, despite you being a known killer across 56 different countries, probably even more, due to your high kill count of-" "476 assholes, yeah, I fucking know!" She proudly interrupts me

I scowled slightly, "Yes, and WHY exactly did you kill them?'

"One of them messed up my Starfruits order, I was supposed to get a Venti cup of Double Ristretto with Iced Vanilla Double Shot and Organic Chocolate Brownie Decaf coffee; Nonfat half-breve double blended upside-down with whipped cream and foam, extra hot Gingerbread Frappuccino, a Nutrasweet and a Sweet N'Low with some ice, but they forgot to make it Decaf, so..."

I paused, questioning why the fuck she had such a long order, "...Right, and the others?"

"You want me to name all 476 reasons for murder?"

"After that stupid reason, not really,"

Horse 1 scoffed, "Well then what the fuck did you need?"

I needed to know her reason, "Bit a bit... broader, as a whole, what is the reason for murder for you?"

Horse 1 took a second, pondering, "I guess... I did it for fun! I mean, not like I could actually go to jail!~"

I nod, jotting it down on a clipboard, "Right, then this company would be perfect for you to join,"

Horse 1 put her feet up on the table, setting her arms behind her head, "And why is that, Rook?"

"Because this company is about causing murders for people's entertainment, using genuine and real people without outsider knowledge," I explained, setting down the clipboard and pen I've been using, "You'd also be getting paid plenty,"

Horse 1 snickered, "How will I know this company will succeed, I mean... I haven't seen your branding anywhere at all yet,"

"Our boss has a secondary company, even if this company flops, you will still be paid enough to sustain yourself and get other wants and needs," I say, staring into her eyes

Horse 1 grins, "How much is the pay?-" "125K a Week,"

She was stunned, I smiled, knowing that she was still living on the bad side of town, that money was a lot to her, not just her, even for me it was a ton, but Boss explained we needed it to be a 50/50 split between the two horses.

Horse 1 sighed, "So what do I do?" She grabbed the pen and paper, looking over everything on it carefully

"You organize and look over the Pawns, making sure they are doing their jobs properly," I smile, looking at Horse 1 as she carefully signs the paper

Horse 1 hands me the paper, "Do I have to treat them well or-" "They are Pawns, not people. You can treat them as you wish,"

Horse 1 cackled at this fact, "This is great! Yea, no this is fantastic, so... When do I begin?"

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You can probably have a good idea of who the leader is, slowly but surely, this is just a chapter to make up for not posting yesterday, figured out I have to get glasses, so... Yeah! :D

Anyway, I hope y'all have a good week because I sure won't! Sayonara!

also, Horse 1 is Her

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