Chapter 31

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It seemed that every person in Gondor, along with many from Rohan, had gathered outside the palace atop the cliff to watch as Aragorn knelt before Gandalf, the daylight shining down on them as the flags of Gondor flew with the breeze.

"Now come the days of the king," Gandalf announced as he placed the silver crown atop Aragorn's head. "May they be blessed."

And the King of Gondor rose to face his people as they cheered.

"This day does not belong to one man," he spoke, "but to all. Let us together rebuild this world, that my share in the days of peace."

And more cheering commenced as flower petals rained down from the sky and the applause was silenced as Aragorn's voice rang out as he began to sing in Elvish.

The Oath of Elendil, named after Aragorn's ancestor, bound him to not just the city of Gondor but to Middle-Earth itself.

The king then began to move down the aisle as he greeted his people, Gimli at his side and his guards following behind.

Aragorn acknowledged Eowyn from Rohan who stood prettily dressed with a band of braided gold that resembled a rope around her forehead. Along with her brother who stood next to her, and Faramir, Boromir's brother, and then Aragorn reached the Elves.

They seemed to radiate power as a small delegate group came forward, led by Legolas who wore a simple band of silver along his brow as he held Allora's hand in escort the way he always did. The heir to Lord Elrond was dressed in a simple golden-coloured dress that matched the large and rather intricate crown of gold on her brow, with golden chains falling in patterns across her hair, the colour standing out against her dark locks. 

Legolas let go of Allora's hand as he acknowledged Aragorn first, placing a hand on his shoulder as Aragorn did the same.

"Thank you," Aragorn said and Legolas gave him a small smile as he nodded before the king turned his sights on the Lady Allora. The two embraced warmly as they had done many times before. "There are no words to thank you for everything," Aragorn said and Allora smiled.

"There is no need to thank me. So long as you take care of my sister."

She felt Aragorn tense with hope as she pulled away and Allora grinned even bigger at the expression on his face as she moved from his way and Aragorn's eyes settled on the party behind her.

Specifically on the being that stood beside Lord Elrond as she moved the banner flag that covered her face.

And Arwen took hopeful steps forward, tears in her eyes as she beheld the love of her life whom she thought she would never see again.

She was dressed in pale green with a silver crown that was sister to Allora's.

They met in the middle before Aragorn reached out a hand as he passed the banner to one of his guards as Arwen's eyes fell and Aragorn's face was glittered with concern. The king lifted her face as his fingers held her chin and he truly realised that she had indeed given up her immortality for him and now she was scared that she would be rejected.

But as their eyes met, Arwen's lips turned up into a teary smile.

And then suddenly they were kissing as Arwen's arms wrapped around Aragorn's shoulders as he lifted her and spun her around, their lips still attached.

And the crowd began to applaud as they watched the scene and Allora met the eyes of the male that held her own heart as they smiled at each other.

Allora had truly never seen her sister beam as brightly as she did when she hugged Aragorn.

The reunited couple then walked hand in hand as they continued on their way and they stood in front of the four Hobbits that helped save Middle Earth.

Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin bowed to the king who said, "My friends, you bow to no one."

And the king of Gondor sank to his knees.

Arwen followed until the entire assembly had knelt before the Hobbits and the saviours of Middle-Earth.

For it was because of them that the Fourth Age of Middle-Earth began, the Age of Man. An age that would foster peace.

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