2: Fairy Bread

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Tears blur my vision. It was her. Really her, standing in front of me. 

My Mum. 

But she shouldn't be... She was confirmed dead two years ago. But...

"Sorry, sweetie," She looks at me with sympathy. "I'm not your Mum. In fact, I don't have a daughter!" 

"What about Callie?"

She looks at me with a slight confusion. 

"Calypso? Calypso and Taylor Evans?" I was surprised at how shaky my voice was.

"I'm sorry," She rubs my shoulder. Her soft touch sent a light shiver up my spine. "I'm not a Mum."

"But... What about Dad? Harvey Evans? Your married to him. Or were..."

She raises her eyebrows. "Harvey?"

"He's my Dad..." I trail off in confusion.

"I'm sorry," She shakes her head and slightly shifts her shoulders.

I wipe my eyes. She doesn't remember... Though, I don't know why she would anyway. She was dead. 

A few moments of silence pass between us and I look at her bewildered expression

"Sorry," My voice is hardly more than a whisper. "You just looked like someone." 

I reluctantly turn and walk away, bending my head down and shoving my hands deep into my pockets.

"Taylor! Wait!" 

I snap my head up and see Jake riding towards me on a... kids bicycle?

"What are you doing here? And.." I stop and stare at the bike, raising my eyebrows.

"That doesn't matter... Have you seen my Mum? Hey," He looks at my tear streaked face. "You okay?"

"Fine," I hastily wipe my cheeks at that word. Mum. "No, sorry. And I have to go find my Dad, so..." I turn on my heels and walk away.

/ / /

Hours passed. 

I still hadn't found Dad, and when I phoned him, his number supposedly 'wasn't connected'. I sat outside on the Bremin Police Station steps and buried my face in my hands.

Mum was alive, but Dad and Beau are missing and Callie isn't even born.

This wasn't happening. 

Am I asleep? Dreaming a dream in my twisted mind? Or am I dead? Holy crap, I'm dead!


I don't remember dying.

Death is weird...

"Taylor! Taylor!" 

"What? I'm dead! Let me die!" I scream.

"Tay, snap out of it!" Someone clicks fingers in my face and elbows me sharply in the shoulder.

I reluctantly look up. Jake is sat beside me, his bike propped up on the steps and Andy and Sam stand towering above me.

"What happened to you?" Sam looks me in the face with concern.

"I'm... dead?" I stutter.

"Er, no," Jake pinches my arm, making me squeal in pain. "Definitely not dead."

I took a shaky breath.

"My Mum. She's alive, but doesn't remember me, my Dad is missing and my sister isn't even born?"

Sam and Jake raise their brows in confusion and help me up and we settle on a nearby bench. 

Turns out, it wasn't just me.

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