6: Freeganism

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"Get down, it's the cops." Felix warns us and we crouch behind the discarded furniture. The five of us watch as Gary Riles drives past.

"You were right," Jake says to Andy. "By being born, I wrecked my parents lives." 

"I didn't put it like that exactly," Andy explains. 

"Change isn't always better," I squeeze Jake's shoulder.

"Really?" Jake asks. 

I smile and nod reassuringly. 

"Well, cops have notorious cholesterol and hypertension issues. And in a survey I read, real estate agents rated below telemarketers in trustworthiness." Andy tries to sound optimistic.

I close my eyes and pray for him to stop, and when I open them again, Jake looks to the ground bitterly.

"Okay, all clear." Felix says, tucking a foldable chair under his arm. 

We follow him out to a shopping cart, and I put a green chair I'd found inside it.

"I can't believe it's come to this," Sam whines. "Other people's rubbish?"

"You've been a great help Sam. Really, don't put yourself out." Andy says sarcastically, hauling a weird black box into the cart.

"Dude, if you want a whole heap of useless junk, that's your business." Sam remarks.

"This isn't junk," Andy starts. "Did you know that in this country we throw out more than $5 billion worth of stuff every year? Better to reuse what we've already got. It's a philosophy called 'Freeganism.'

"Freegan, huh?" Jake says, carrying a propane tank. "That's pretty cool."

"You just made that word up." Sam says accusingly.

I slowed my pace and turned to look at Sam, who I noticed was chewing on something. "What are you eating?"

"Nothing." Sam says quickly. 

I roll my eyes and turn back around to face the road.

/ / /

"I don't know if the gas is gonna work, but here's hoping," Jake lifts a lit match and hovers it over his homemade gas stove. "Turn it, doofus." He says to Andy, pointing at the propane tank.

"Nice," I praise as the flames appear and dance over the burner.

Jake smiles at his work. "Who's up for a home cooked meal? I do a pretty mean BLT."

"Small problem- we don't have any food," Sam complains. 

"Well, we'll go shopping."

"With what?" Sam shrugs.

"Well, your money should get us some basics." Jake says.

"What money?" 

"The money you earned from skate busking." I remind him.

"Ah." Sam pauses for a moment. "Low blood sugar. Needed chocolate."

"You spent it didn't you?" Jake frustrates, glaring at Sam.

Sam tries to defend himself. "It was only a couple bucks."

"Selfish fool." Jake mutters. "Well, I guess we're Freegans then. So, who's coming shopping?" He looks at me. "Taylor?"

I shrug. "Sure."

Sam raises his hand, and I glare, pointing an accusing finger at him. "Not you."

"I'll come." Andy offers. "Although, Freegans don't actually shop."

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